Chapter Fifteen~* (Edt.)

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1- Jeff

Jamie is lying on my chest. The two of us have been together a lot recently. For the past three days since the Gabriel incident, Jamie and I have been going and doing nearly everything together. It's different but it's a type of different that I actually enjoy. All of my past 'relationships' were nothing like what I have with Jamie right now and that's because we're still in the beginnings of this relationship. I think I might enjoy this.

Her head is resting right beside mine and her arm is spread across my chest. I don't think I've ever taken so much comfort in another human's presence and touch. Being with Jamie feels . . . amazing. It's simply amazing being with this girl.

Jamie grabs my hand and laces her fingers with mine. There's a sort of satisfaction that goes through me at the feel of her soft hands. I wonder how she has managed to keep them so soft. They almost feel as soft as her lips.

So far, everything has been going good. Even so, I'm silently preparing myself for the next disaster that is sure to come our way.

Jamie begins messing with my fingers. She grabs my pinky and starts pushing it forward and back, then leaves it alone before messing with the small finger again.

"What are you doing?" I ask after a while.

I can see her smile. "I don't know."

"Okay." I respond, shrugging it off.

We sit in silence for a few minutes. I don't have anything to say to her and obviously she has nothing to say to me.

"Hey, Jeff," Okay, I guess I was wrong. "I have a suggestion on what we could do instead of just lazing around here all day."

"What is it?"

"I think it's about time you meet my mother."

The world stops for a second. "What?" I say, sitting up as her words sink in.

"Jeff, please. My mom deserves to meet her daughter's potential boyfriend." She sits up too.

"Potential?" I ask.

"Yeah, potential." She grins widely at me.

"I don't know. Doesn't your mom hate me?"

"Jeff, please." I notice she didn't answer my question. "Am I going to have to drag you there?"

"Well, I've always liked it a little rough." I say in a teasing tone.

She smacks my arm and I notice her cheeks are a slight shade of red.

"Jeff, let's go." she says forcefully.

I sigh. She's not about to give up.

"Fine." I groan and she shrieks in delight.

2- Jeff

I step through the exit and everything's the same. It's dark as hell but I can navigate my way through this forest in my sleep. Still, I let Jaime tug me through, seeing as how she knows the forest a lot better than I do. Her hand feels warm in mine and I feel a fluttering in my stomach.

As we walk, it slowly begins to get lighter. Trees begin to take shape and soon I can hear the sound of cars speeding by. We stay in the forest but walk along its edge. I have never done this. I've always just walked along the street, not caring if anyone saw me. Then again, I've only come here during night so I wouldn't have to worry about being caught. But, as we walk, I realize that this way is a shortcut.

I'm next to no time, we make it to her neighborhood. The trees have really thinned, offering next to no protection. Jamie finally leads us out and we walk along the cracked sidewalk hand in hand. It feels so . . . normal. Like the two of us are just a normal couple walking down the street, with no worries in the world. But, that's not true. We're not some normal couple. The two of us are murderers and the only reason we're here is because Jamie refuses to completely give up her life with her mother.

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