Chapter Nine~*

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1- Jamie

I stand outside Slender's bedroom door. I take a nervous breath before knocking.

"Come in." I open the door and step hesitantly inside. Slender stands against the wall across the room. "Can I help you with something, Jamie?"

"Uh, yeah." I say hesitantly. "I was wondering if you had any extra rooms for me." I keep a hand on the door, not exactly sure if I could walk in or not.

"What happened? I thought you room with Jeff?" He steps towards me.

I sigh again and run a hand through my hair. "Yeah, I did. But, you see, some difficulties arose and so now I would like to have a room to myself."

He stays silent for a long time before nodding. I breath out in relief and follow as he walks out.

"You'll have to be at the top. Are you okay with that?" Slender goes to the stairs and heads to the very top.

"Yeah. It puts me further away from Jeff." I say, walking right behind him.

He doesn't respond as we continue up the stairs. We finally reach the last floor. He leads the way to the other side and finally stops.

"Here we are." I smile as he opens the door. "I'll send Masky up with some supplies later." He starts to walk off and I enter my new room. "Oh, and Jamie," I stop to look at him. "Be nice to Jeff. He really cares about you."

I sigh and run a hand through my hair. "Sorry. I just need a little time to myself."

"Funny that you're saying that." I look at him, confused. "I remember when you were gone, all you wanted was to be back with Jeff. But, now that you're here, you just want to be alone. You are a very confusing girl and I think it's about time you make up your mind." And with that, he leaves.

His words are like a slap to the face and I stand in the doorway, my face burning red from the strength of his slap. I stare at the wall before slamming the door. My body sags against the wall and, all at once, my anger comes rushing back at me. I hold it in until I just can't. Finally, I let out a long scream filled with all my anger. I spin and send my leg into the dresser. The poor thing doesn't stand a chance against my anger and it shatters into splinters of wood. I run across and slam my fist into the bathroom door. A gaping hole appears and I pull my hand out.

My leg is feeling numb and my fist is stinging. I crumble to my knees and let my anger and sadness swallow me.

1- Jeff

I lay on my bed. My heart is hurting again and this time it hurts more. I think it hurts more because unlike before, Jamie is here. Not gone. I never thought that after I got her back, I would still feel this pain.

Suddenly, I begin to hear screams. I ignore them at first but they build in pitch and sadness. At some point, I sit up and actually concentrate on them, trying to figure out who is screaming like that. As I listen, I realize it's Jamie screaming like that. The second I realize this, I'm out of bed and running out of my room. I'm at the stairs in a second and I jump up the stairs, taking two at a time.

When I reach the top floor, I skid to a stop and run across to the other side. Jamie's screams and the sounds of something breaking are coming from a room on the other side of the hall. I go to the room she is in and try the knob but it's locked. By this time, the screams and crashings have stopped and that worries me more than the screams did. I try the knob once more in desperation but it doesn't open.

I look at the door and growl. Seconds later, it goes flying in from the force of my kick. In the middle of the room, on the floor huddled into a ball, sits Jamie and I can hear sobs coming from her.

I go to her and pull her to my chest. She clings to my hoodie and begins to cry harder. I look down at her and feel a different kind of anger build in my chest. It's weird, the way this anger makes me feel. I feel like hitting myself a few times because I know I'm part of the reason she's crying like this. I feel so mad.... At myself.

"Jamie, please stop." I murmur in her ear.

She looks up at me, tears still going down her cheeks. I can see so much sadness in her eyes and it makes me madder. I don't want to see that sadness in her eyes. It doesn't suit the Jamie I know. She stares at me for several seconds.

"I'm sorry." She whispers and buries her face in the crook of my neck.

"Don't be." She looks up at me again.

"You're always saving me." She says and I feel my some weird emotion build in my chest.

I open my mouth to say something but she stops me by pressing her lips against mine. My heart stops and I hear a happy sigh come from Jaime. I pull her closer to me and deepen the kiss. And she lets me. I don't ever want this kiss to stop.

A groan leaves me as I feel her pull away. I keep a tight hold on her, not ready to let her slip away from me. She smiles weakly and presses her lips against mine again. The feeling I get from her kisses can only be described as pure bliss. I pull her even closer to me, leaning back as I do, and we both fall on the floor. She actually giggles but doesn't stop kissing me.

"Jeff," She whispers, pulling away. "I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry." I hug her to my chest. "But, you know what? Let's just forgive each other and forget it happened."

She suddenly pulls off of me and sits up, straddling my hips as she does. "Is that really what you want?"

I notice her voice has gotten sad. "Yeah. Let's just forget it happened."

She looks down at me and there is so much sadness in her eyes. "What's wrong?"

She stands and walks to the bed. "I think you should go, Jeff."

"What?" I get off the floor. "What happened?"

"Please." I can hear more tears in her voice. "I need to be alone."

I look at her back. My heart is being ripped from my chest but I still say, "Yeah. Sure." And leave.

2- Jamie

I look at the bed and let my tears drop down. I can't believe he would ask that of me right after he kissed me the way he did.

I can't believe he would ask me to forget about the kiss.

2- Jeff

I go slowly down the stairs. I don't understand. I can't figure out what went wrong or what I did wrong. I had just shared an amazing kiss with her and then after, she wanted me to leave. I didn't think what I said to her would upset her so much.

All I asked was for her to forget anything I said before about the other girl.


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