Chapter Thirty Four~*

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1- Jamie

Jane’s head snaps back but, even before the punch landed, I knew it wouldn’t do much damage. At my best, I’d probably be able to send her to the ground. Now, she staggers few steps back and clutches at her face.

"You bitch," she snarls. Her mask is slightly cracked and I take pleasure in that small victory. "I tried playing nice. It would have been easier to just knock you out but I decided to talk. Now, you're going to pay."

Jane throws herself at me and takes us both to the ground. The two of us struggle back and forth for several seconds before she headbutts me. My head snaps back and a wave of nausea goes through me.

"I am so sick of people like you," Her voice is full of venom. She takes out a knife and holds it to my throat. "If I could, I would end you right now."

My heart beat picks up. Jane could very easily end my life. With just a quick flick of the wrist I'd be nothing more than a memory of another failed CreepyPasta. I squeeze my eyes shut, already giving up hope.

"Don't go to sleep. You won't wake up."

My eyes snap open and I throw my hands up, wrapping them tightly around her throat. A choked, surprised noise comes out of her but I squeeze harder, putting all my anger and fear into it. I'm not about to be one of Jane's victims. I know my death of inevitable, that my life will come to an end by someone's hand, but I will not let Jane be the death of me.

Jane's grip on me and her knife weakens just enough for me to flip us over. She lets out a muted shout of anger and slashes the knife, cutting my cheek and slicing off strands of hair that had been hanging down. I jump off her, holding my bloody face and back up.

While Jane catches her breath, I grab my scythe and press the button that lets it grow into full mode. It springs out with a small hiss and Jane's head snaps up.

"No way," she coughs out. "They gave that to you?"

I look at my scythe. "Obviously."

"Well, I'll be damned," Jane pushes herself up. "I never would have thought Slender would give you one of Falin's creations. Especially this one. Though, I can't be surprised."

The sudden malice in her voice surprises me, but not as much ad what she said. "What do you mean?"

"Do you know anything?" I don't respond. "They don't even bother telling you their history, do they?" No response. "Jamie, do you have any idea who made that scythe and why it was made?"

I hold her gaze but she can see the answer on my face.

"I can't say I'm not surprised. The others have always loved to keep secrets. It makes them feel better because they know more."

"Don't talk about them like that! They've been good to me."

"Good to you? Look at you! You're two months pregnant, chasing a madman trying to prevent him from killing your mother and facing it off with your boyfriends enemy. Does that sounds good to you?"

I step back from her and place a hand gently on my stomach.

"Jamie, if you were to join me, I would treat you so much better. You deserve better." Jane steps towards me and holds out her arms as if to give me a hug.

"I will never join you!" I move the scythe in a defensive position in front of myself. "I don't need to know what this scythe was made for to kill you with it."

Jane tilts her head and lowers her arms. "If you insist." She picks up her knife and gets into a fighting stance. "Just so you know, Falin made that scythe to kill me. It was supposed to be his own weapon against me, but he never got to really use it against me. Let's see if you can wield it as well as him."

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