Chapter Twenty Two~*

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1- Jamie

The two of us race out of the building and onto the street. I dodge in and out of traffic, dragging Gold along behind me. He stumbles several times and almost gets us run over once or twice but I continue. I feel like I must run. What ever that man in there was, he definitely was not human. Now, I know I should be used to hanging with inhuman creatures but for some reason that thing arises a feeling of fear inside me that I haven't in a while.

My head began throbbing as we ran and my vision blurred every once in a while. The wounds on my head must not have healed correctly. I shake my head and keep running. I need to get away.

Eventually, we end back up in the forest. Gold begins letting his hand slip from mine and I get the hint. We stop running and he collapses to the ground, gasping for air.

"So . . . much . . . easier . . . running in . . . Pokémon." He gasps out.

I smile weakly and sit next to him. The mask makes my face feel hotter and I rip the thing off. Sweat drips down my face and I gasp for air.

"What do you think that was?" I ask.

Gold looks up at me. He's gotten his breathing back under control but he's still a bit red on the face.

"I honestly don't know."

That doesn't make me feel any better. We sit in silence for a long time before I stand up. The sun dropping over the trees, coloring the sky with multiple shades of red, purple, orange and blue.

"Let's go. It's probably almost morning in the Slender Forest." I hold a hand out to Gold and he takes hold, letting me help him up.

"Yeah. Let's go back."

We keep holding hands as we walk towards an entrance into our forest.

As we walk, something occurs to me.

"Why did you come after me?" I ask.

Gold looks at me smiles. "You needed a friend and, well, I'm your friend."

It didn't exactly answer my question but I didn't pressure an answer from him. I just smile at him.

"Thanks. You're a great friend."

He smiles back at me just as we pass into the woods. It becomes darker, but there's that hint of morning in it. The sky becomes more of a deep purple instead of black. I think it's funny how we just left a place that was heading into night and we're now walking through a place that's awakening to the morning. It's very ironic that the place of monsters and nightmares just so happens to be in morning while the normal, human place is marching forward into night.

We walk along a trail that the feet of several of CreepyPasta's before us have walked and made for others to walk along.

The mansion looks up in front of us. The entrance we took was a straight path to the mansion. As I look at it, my heart fills with dread. Earlier, I felt so confident about coming back but now I'm not so sure. A part of me-the weaker part-wants to turn around and run but I refuse to. Running won't get me anything. The best way to get through life is too hit your problems head on with all the strength you've got and that's exactly what I plan on doing. I plan on becoming stronger. I won't be able to do that if I continue to let Jeff baby me.

Still, I stop before entering the gate. There's a slight shake in my hands that I know Gold can feel. I can feel him watching me, right now, I don't want to look at him. I won't be able to take the look in his eyes. It'll crush all the courage I've built up. I'm about to open the gate, but stop when Gold's grip on my hand tightens.

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