Chapter Thirteen~*

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1- Jamie

I stare up at the ceiling. The digital clock on my nightstand reads 3:00 A.M. and although I'm exhausted from my training, I refuse to close my eyes. I look up at the ceiling and pray and hope he won't visit tonight. The minute tick by so slowly and my eyelids feel as if they're just getting heavier. I look at the clock and see it's already 3:10 A.M.. I decide it's been long enough and let my eyes flutter close.

1- Slender

I walk slowly up the stairs to Jamie's room. I have the potion she's been asking for to help her stay up. It's only 3:00 A.M. so she should still be awake for at least another fifteen minutes. I hurry my pace but I still go slowly. I have just reached her floor when the clock reaches 3:11 A.M.. Suddenly, a scream leaves Jamie's room. I blink out and appear in her room. She is lying in bed, her eyes closed, and she's screaming at the top of her lungs. I've never heard her scream like this before. It's sounds as if she's being murdered in the most painful way possible. I rush to her side and grab her. She begins to have convulsions and I use my tentacles to pin her down.

"Jamie, wake up." I say to her but she won't open her eyes.

"Jamie!" I hear Jeff rush up the stairs and in a record time he reaches her room. He stands in the doorway, taking in the scene before pointing at me. "What did you do to her?" He growls, running in and pushing me away from her.

"Jeff, stop. She having convulsions. She might harm herself."

I look at her and see she still hasn't woken up. Her screams are just getting louder and more pain filled. Jeff kneels beside her and holds her.

"What happened?"

"She must have fallen asleep too early. There nothing we can do but wait until she wakes up." I  settle into position beside him and we begin the wait.

1- Jeff

I hold Jamie in my arms and try to keep her from harming herself. I feel dread build up inside me, a feeling I've gotten used to feeling in Jamie's presence. Seeing Jamie like this makes me feel powerless. All I can do is hold her.

2- Slender

The minutes tick by so slowly. Every minute that passes causes her screams to get louder. I'm sure everyone in my mansion has woken up by now. I constantly look at the clock to be aware of the time that is passing.

3:14 A.M.

A blood curdling scream leaves her. Beside me, I can feel Jeff shaking. Although, what's going through his mind is a mystery to me.

3:15 A.M.

I look away as the clock announces the witching hour has begun. I expect Jamie to wake up any second now, but her screams just get worse, if that's even possible. I can practically hear her vocal chords being ruined. As more minutes pass, I can't help but wonder if she'll even wake up.

I look back up at the clock. It's 3:18 A.M. already. Underneath my tentacles, I can feel Jamie stop having convulsions.

3:19 A.M.

I look away from the clock as another minute passes. I can feel her beginning to fight against me but I don't let her go.

"Get off me!" Her eyes fly open.

She gasps and I see tears start to leak from her eyes. It's obvious she's finally awake and the problem is fixed.... For now.

I look at the clock and see it's now 3:20 A.M.

2- Jamie

"Jamie, are you okay?" Jeff whispers in my ear.

My eyes are wide open and tears are flowing freely down my face. I feel a sob build strongly in my chest until I'm finally forced to let it out. I begin to sob hysterically and I bury my face in Jeff's jacket. I know both guys are watching me but I can't stop myself. The things He made me see just now were horrible.

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