Chapter Nineteen~*

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1- Jamie

When I wake up, the infirmary is empty. I can't say I'm surprised, seeing as how CreepyPastas hardly ever get hurt. I'm obviously a special case. I'm so . . . Weak. I don't deserve to be a CreepyPasta. Gabriel could have easily killed me if it weren't for Jeff and Slenderman.

I should have been able to easily take him down. Any of the others wouldn't have had a problem. But, of course, I'm not like the others. I'm still part human. I still haven't finished becoming a CreepyPasta. I don't think I ever will. After all, I don't even deserve to be a CreepyPasta.

I sigh and sit up. The sudden movement causes my head to throb and I clutch it. The pain is so bad I feel tears beginning to prick at my eyes. I don't understand how the pain could still be this bad. Slender should have gotten rid of most of the injury by now.


"I am right here." His hands wrap around mine and remove them from my head. "You woke up too soon. I have not been able to fully deal with your injury yet. Just lay back down."

He gently pushes me down and I lay back. He hovers over me for a few seconds before leaving and grabbing several bottles and needles. My stomach churns at the sight of so many needles.

"I am sorry," Slender says, noticing how I look at the needles. "Just close your eyes and it will be over quick."

I squeeze them shut. A small pit of guilt forms in my stomach and I don't understand why until he places the first needle in my arm: I'm being weak again. The pit grows bigger, dragging me along. I just can't stop being weak. It sickens me how weak I am.

Still, despite my thoughts, I don't open my eyes. I keep them squeezed tightly. Eventually, he finishes and the pain goes away. I open my eyes slowly but I don't look at Slender.

"Jeff is worried about you."

I feel a small ball of bitterness grow in my stomach. "Oh, is he?"

"Yes. He is waiting outside for me to tell him that you are awake. Would you like me to?"

"No." I snarl, getting angry. I can't believe Jeff.

Slender doesn't respond but I can almost feel him staring at me, despite his lack of visible eyes. I ignore it, simmering in my anger and hurt, until it just becomes unbearable. I look up at him and glare. He's standing at the door, his head turned to me just as I knew it would be.

"What?" I snap. He doesn't say anything, just keeps staring. I keep looking at him until my anger slowly fades. As it does, I realize I shouldn't have snapped.

"I'm sorry." I say after taking a deep breath.

"It is okay."

I smile and look down before frowning again. "Hey, Slender. Why are you being so nice to me?"

"I am not."

I blink in surprise. "What do you mean? Of course you are. I mean, you helped me get away from Gabriel and you're always giving me helpful advice and always healing me and-"

"What you take as me being nice, everyone else sees as me just doing my normal duties. I did not help you to be nice. I only helped you because of Jeff. I do not give you advice. I just tell you what I think and you see it as advice. I do not heal you to be nice. I do it because I have no choice."

I look at him with wide eyes. "What? But I thought you might have-"

"You thought I liked you? Actually, I can not say I do. You are just like every single human out there. You are becoming more trouble than you are worth. You can not even save yourself from a regular human! You think I like you? I do not! I only deal with you because of Jeff."

Through his whole speech, I felt as if my heart was being stabbed a million times although I don't let it show for obvious reasons. "Would it be better if I left?"

He scoffs. "There you go, sounding like the human you are. You humans always run from your problems because you are too weak to face them."

"I do not run from my problems!" I shout, getting defensive. He's come across a very touchy subject for me.

"Before, maybe. But, now . . . You are just another weak human. I thought those years away were supposed to make you stronger? I thought you are supposed to be tough? What has made you so weak?" He chuckles before continuing. "Is it because you are in love?"

I look at him, completely and totally stunned into silence. Tears have pooled in my eyes and I feel them beginning to fall.

"Is that what love does to a human? Or maybe just to you? See, that is why I do not really bother with humans. The way I see it, just leave the humans alone until it comes time to kill. I just wish Jeff would see it more my way."

"Slender, I think that's enough."

I jump and look at Jeff standing in the open infirmary doors. Tears are still running down my face and I feel so stupid. I never should have come back. There's the sound of shoes scraping across the floor and I look behind Jeff to see a bunch of the CreepyPastas behind him. I cover my mouth to hold back a sob.

They all give me pitying looks and I sob harder. Finally, I just can't take it. I throw the covers off my legs and run out, pushing past all of them. I feel a few of them grab my arm to stop me but I shake them off forcefully. I keep running until I'm out of the mansion. Even when I'm out, I keep running. I hear a bark from Kipper but I keep going.

I need to see my mom.

1- Jeff

I don't try to stop her. She probably feels so embarrassed and hurt, not just by Slender's words now, but also by my words from last night. And by the way Slender rubbed last night in her face. I just can't believe he would do that to her.

"What the hell was that?" I yell.

"I was just speaking my mind." He responds curtly. "Is that a problem?"

I growl. "That's all fine and dandy but did you seriously have to be so harsh? I get you don't like her but that was too far. And the timing! You couldn't have chosen a worse time."

"Do not blame that on me. You are the one who said you did not love her and you are the one who did not save her from Gabriel last night."

I look at him in shock. I've never seen him so angry and just so ready to snap at any one.

"What the hell is your problem?" I ask.

"What is my problem? Nothing." Slender growls and starts to walk past me.

"What did she ever do to you? Why do you hate her so much?" I say, grabbing his sleeve.

Slender doesn't respond. He just pulls his arm from my grip and blinks out. I stand in the same spot, trying to hold back my anger.

"Jeff?" I feel a hand carefully touch my arm and I tense up. "Jeff, are you okay?"

I turn around and see that it's Gold who asked. Everyone else is just looking on from a careful distance. It angers me to see them all standing there, wanting to see the newest drama themselves.

"Don't you all have something to do?" I growl.

My voice is so menacing, everyone scatters. Everyone except Gold. He stays right beside me just like last time.

"I'm going to go look for Jamie." I say quietly, so that only Gold can hear in case a few of the Pastas are still listening in.

"I think I should." I look at him. "Think about it. She probably won't show herself to you because you hurt her. But, I'm sure she won't try to hide from me."

I sigh and cover my face. He does have a point. "Fine." I give in.

"I'll go get Jamie." He starts to leave immediately.

I watch his back disappear and wish I could have been the one to say that. I guess I don't always save her.


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