Chapter Three~*

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1- Jeff

The blindfold that covers my eyes feels smooth and cool against my hot skin. I'm breathing hard and my heart is beating rapidly in my chest. The weight of my knife feels heavy and it takes all I have to keep my hands from shaking. I take a small step forward and tilt my head to the side, using my hearing to figure out when the next obstacle will come at me.

I wait for several long, tense seconds before I finally hear the low hiss that hints to traps. The air by my cheek parts and I duck to the side, barely dodging the sharp edge of a knife. Another hiss but this time my reaction is too slow. A knife is thrown low and I jump to avoid it but it manages to slice my pants.

I growl lowly and throw a knife in the direction of the last hissing. A scream sounds and I know I'm finished.

"Good job, Jeff. You may leave."

I rip the blindfold off and look to Slender at the control panel. "Thanks." I say in a harsh voice that makes me sound as if I'm not thankful at all.

He nods and looks down, not able to hold my hateful look. I walk out of the test room and step into fresh air. Once every month, we're supposed to take a test to see where we stand. If we're not good enough, we're put on a strict training schedule to bring our skills back to the way we were before.

I stretch my sore muscles. I've been in the test room for three days, going through multiple tests. At this point, we're supposed to rest and relax but I don't have time for that; I have a girl to find.

2- Jeff

I step out of the shower and shake my head, causing water from my hair to go flying around the room. I tighten the towel around my waist and step out.

"Oh, sexy." My head snaps up and catch a hint of flaming red hair.

"You're still alive?" I ask in surprise.

"Well," Darcy stands and walks to me. "If I had known you'd be this excited to see me, I would have come to visit you sooner."

I roll my eyes and walk to my clothes. "Why are you here anyways?"

"Believe it or not, I actually missed you."

I look at her as I grab my clothes. "Good for you. Now leave."

"If I had known you'd be this excited to see me, I would have come by sooner." She says sarcastically and rolls her eyes.

"Oh, great." I turn from her and head to the bathroom.

"You know, you could just change in here. In case you've forgotten, I have seen you naked." She smirks and stops in front of me.

"Ugh," I shiver. "Don't remind me. Worst decision ever." I shiver again.

"Shut up, Jeff!" She yells, her face a bright red.

I smirk. "I'm just telling it like it is."

She growls and I see her hand go up. I grab wrist before her hand can even come close to me. She glares and tries to pull her hand from me but I hold her in an iron grip.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. You see, I'm a fucking psycho who is more unstable than usual. I'll gut you right now with my bare hands."

Darcy steps back and I drop her hand. She rubs her wrist and looks fearfully at me.

"It's because of Jamie, isn't it?" I look at her. "That's why they sent me up here. They figured that if you were presented with a better woman you would forget about the one that left you."

Rage builds in my chest but I hide it with a laugh. "You think you're better than Jamie?" I step to her and grab her by the throat. "Do you really think that?" I tighten my grip on her neck and watch with a grim satisfaction as her face turns red.

A gurgling sound comes from her throat and I loosen my grip. Tears are streaming down her face. "I'm not." She sobs. "I'm not better than her." More tears stream down her face as she cries harder.

"Pathetic." I snarl and let go of her throat.

She collapses and clutches at her throat.

"Get out of my sight already." I turn and go inside the bathroom.

As I close the door behind me, I hear Darcy mutter, "I'm going to get her."

I smile to myself and shake my head. There's no way Darcy could find or hurt Jamie.

1- Darcy (I am so sorry)

I clutch the knife in a shaky grip. My back is pressed hard against the wall and inside I can hear Jamie moving around. My hand starts shaking harder as I remember how she reacted the last time I visited.

I walked confidently up to the place where Jamie was staying at that time. The building looked dark and empty but I knew she would be here. I opened the door and stepped inside.

The second I stepped in, a knife whizzed by right in front of my face. I stepped back in fear but a hand pushed me inside. I turned to leave but the door slammed right in my face. I let out a shriek of fear and stumbled back.

"Who is it?" A maniacal laugh filled the house and I felt tears form in my eyes.

"Don't kill me!" I shrieked as a knife landed right by my head. "I'm here on Slender's orders."

The laughing stopped and I felt a blast of air on my face. Suddenly, she was right in front of me.

"He sent you? Where's Masky and Hoodie? He usually sends them. Those two are hilarious." She went around me and picked up her knives.

"They're on other errands. I was the only one free." She looks at me then nods.

"Cool. Now, leave. Your face irritates me." She turned and headed deeper into the building.

"I can hear you. Now come out!" Jamie suddenly shouts, startling me out of my thoughts.

I take a deep breath, tighten my grip on the knife and round the corner. Jamie sits on a bed and stares straight at me. She only has on a sports bra and a pair of sweats.

"You again? But Masky and Hoodie were here last week!" She stands when she sees the knife. "What's with the knife?"

"I'm going to kill you." I say in as confident a voice as I could muster.

Jamie raises an eyebrow. "You really want to try that?"

"Yes." I growl.

She smirks and nods. Before I can move the knife she's already at me and right at that moment I realize I'm going to die.


Forgive and Forget Me (A Jeff the Killer Story)Where stories live. Discover now