Chapter Fourteen~*

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1- Jamie

I wake up before Jeff. The only problem, I forget I fell asleep with him in my bed, so he gets a good morning kick off the bed. I don't mean to kick him, I just react on instinct. He tumbles off and the rag slips away. I'm about to yell at him when memories of last night go back into my brain. I cover my mouth.

"What the hell, Jamie? I thought we were done with the fighting."

"I'm so sorry!" I get off the bed and kneel beside him. "I didn't mean to. I forgot you spent the night in here."

I help him to his feet and he grumbles as he stands. I'm about to apologize more when he covers my mouth. I push his hands away, determined to apologize again, but he covers it again.

"Stop." I say, removing his hand one more time, only to have it out back on my mouth. "Why?" I say simply, after once again removing his hand. He's not letting me form full sentences.

"It's weird hearing you apologize for anything."

I look at him and remove the hand. "Seriously?"

He shrugs. "I'm not used to it."

"Well, then I guess I won't apologize for anything." I say.

"Okay." He shrugs again and sits back down on the bed beside me. "So," He starts off awkwardly. I feel my body involuntarily tense up. I can tell whatever he's going to say next will not be pleasant. "Are you ready to talk about last night? "

I should have seen this coming, but I still feel a bit shocked and unprepared. I was hoping he would wait longer. But, then again, this is Jeff. He has next to no patience and doesn't care much about other people's feelings. I definitely should have seen this coming and prepared for it.

"It has to deal with Zalgo and the years I was gone."

When I say this, I notice how he also tenses up. In the whole month I've been back, I have never once talked about my time away. But, now I don't have a choice. My past is now ruining my present and Jeff deserves to know.

Before I begin, I lean back against the wall. "Jeff, are you ready to hear about my life on the run?"

He looks at me and nods. I smile, pleased with how he answered, and then move myself into a more comfortable position.

"When I left, Zalgo had no way of knowing if I would listen to him. So, to keep me in check and make sure I don't just stop being on the run, Zalgo put a curse on me. I had to stay awake until the witching hour. I wasn't allowed to sleep until the clock read 3:15 A.M. and if I did sleep, I would have a nightmare about the worst tortures being inflicted on my loved ones." I don't mention that I've seen him more than once during the nightmares.

He looks at me in shock. "But, why did you have to stay up?"

"I had to stay awake because some nights he would visit me. On the nights he visited, I had to stay awake and talk to him for five full minutes. After, when the clock read 3:20 A.M., I would be able to sleep. It was honestly exhausting." It feels weird talking to him about this but I know it's the right thing.

"Okay," He says slowly. "Then why do you still have it on you? You said it was to keep you in check on the run. You don't need it anymore."

"Good point. But, it would seem Zalgo has forgotten to remove it. So, I still have to stay awake until the same time every night, although I haven't had any visits from Zalgo." I put my head on his shoulder. I'm beginning to get a headache remembering all of this.

Jeff looks furious. "How could he just forget you?" He snarls.

I shrug but don't remove my head from his shoulder. "It's fine. I'm a tough girl, I can take care of myself."

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