2: "We're the luckiest idiots in the whole galaxy!"

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"Time runs short. You must awaken. You must awaken now!"

Cyra gasped as her eyes shot open from getting jolted awake. She soon forgot all about the voice as she saw that she was behind glass. As she tried to move her arms, she found they were tied down as she fought against her restraints. The other three were coming into consciousness and their eyes all settled on the Superman clone, who was standing in front of them, watching them.

Kid Flash was particular creeped out when Superboy's eyes fell on him and stayed there. This caused the annoyed speedster to lash out almost immediately, "What? What do you want?"

His question was met with the same stare, that could resemble a glare. He soon turned to stare at Cyra, who meet his eyes through her green mask. Amber eyes caught with blue as the Lantern shifted uncomfortably, having never liked to be directly stared at like she was at that moment.

"Uh, can you stop staring. It's uncomfortable," Cyra asked, her eyebrows coming together in a look of awkwardness and confusion.

"Uh, how about we don't tick off the guy who can fry us with a look?" Robin asked, worry present in his tone as he mostly addressed Kid Mouth.

Aqualad is the one who addressed the clone politely, trying to settle this with words, "We only sought to help you—" Kaldur was cut off almost right as he started to speak by a certain angry speedster.

"Yeah! We free you and then you turn on us? How is that for grat—"

Kaldur silences Kid with a stare as he snaps, "Kid! Now is not the time. I believe our new friend was not in control of his actions."

The Atlantean nodded his head towards Superboy and Cyra had to do a doubletake when Superboy actually replied, "What-what if I wasn't?"

"He can talk?" KF asks stupidly, making Cyra send a glare at him and he just looked at her with a 'what did I do' face. Cyra could see out of the corner of her eyes that Superboy was clenching his fists.

"What? It's not like I said it."

"Well, you're acting like he's stupid. He's a clone, not a dog."

"Well I am sorry for asking a simple question," Kid Flash scoffed.

Cyra let out a huff as she retorted, "More like a stupid question."

Kid Idiot opened his mouth, surely to shot a comment back, but was cut off by Superboy, "Yes, he can."

"The genomorphs taught you telepathically?" Aqualad inquired, pulling the pieces together in his head.

"They taught me much. I can read, write, and I know the names of things," Was Superboy's robotic response. Cyra thought of him as confused, just running on the basic facts that were inserted in him. He didn't actually understand what the things are.

Cyra brought her thoughts to him. "But have you ever actually experienced them? Got let out of your pod and gotten to see these things you know about?"

"Like the sky? Or the sun?" Robin expanded on.

"Images are planted into my mind," Superboy says, before saying quieter, almost sadly, "but no. I have seen them."

"Do you know who, what you are?" Aqualad said, seeming to have an end goal in his questions, unlike Cyra who was just talking about whatever came to mind.

Superboy stood up straighter, "I am the Superboy. A genomorph, a clone made from the DNA of Superman. Created to replace him should he perish or turn from the Light."

"Well that's nice and all, but what if Superman doesn't need replacing?" Cyra asked, leaning forward some as she twisted her wrist uncomfortably in her bonds.

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