5: "Cult? Like, Shark Bait oh-ah-ha?"

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Caribbean Sea

June 22, 20:08 ECT

Cyra sat on the bio-ship in silence along with the rest of their team as M'gann informed them they were approaching Santa Prisca, the place Batman wanted to them to investigate. Apparently, their steroids were cut off and some other stuff and he wanted them to go covert and see what's going on. In all honesty, Cyra wasn't paying attention. She kept trying to grab some chips from Wally as Batman was talking.

Cyra was reminded of this as she glared at the floor, her stomach making dying whale noises. It also didn't help her mood when Wally leaned up from behind her and belched right in her ear. Cyra turned to hit him, but he moved away too fast as he tried not to laugh.

Cyra turned back around muttering, "I hate you."

"Drop zone A in thirty," M'gann informs as Kaldur stands up.

Kaldur touches the belt buckle and his usually red suit changes to black as he states, "Ready."

"Putting bio-ship in camouflage mode."

Kaldur is dropped from the interior of the ship and hits the water, swimming. The bio-ship flies back up from the water as Kaldur has to go get rid of the heat and motion sensors.

"Heat and motion sensors are patched. Data is now on a continuous loop. Move in," Kaldor's voice comes through our comms. The bio-ship moves ahead of the wall, safe from prying eyes.

"Drop zone B," M'gann says, standing up and the rest of the team follows.

Wires come out of the bio-ship due to M'gann's mental commands for Robin and Wally, the two who can't fly. Wally presses the lightning bolt on his chest and his suit goes black and red.

"How cool is this?" Wally asks, turning to Miss Martian.

"Very impressive," M'gann replies blandly as her suit changes to stealth without the need to press a button.

"Uh, that works to," Wally said as he saw M'gann's new black and red outfit.

Cyra's suit only comes in one color: green. Which means she had to physically put on a black suit instead of just having her ring put it on for her, because stealth tech didn't work on a Green Lantern. This also means she had to hold back the suit coming on and had to wait forever being poked and prodded to get a tight suit that felt like a second skin, but not the good kind. She felt like she was being eternally strangled to death.

"I hate this stupid suit. I don't get why I can't wear my old one," The blonde complains.

"Because you glow and that's not very covert," Wally says, enjoying the Green Lantern's discomfort a little more than he should have.

Cyra glares at Wally as Robin tried to assure her, "You look great, Cyra."

Cyra scoffs, "Of course I do. I'm fantastic, but that doesn't mean I need to feel like I'm being squeezed to death."

"Hey Supey, it's not too late to put on the new stealth tech," Wally said, turning to Superboy, who was lucky enough to only have to wear a black T-shirt with a blood red S on it and cargo shorts.

"No capes, no tights, no offense," He answered.

"It totally works for you," M'gann stated dreamily, before trying to go for a save. "As in you could totally do good work in those clothes."

"Why can't I just wear a shirt and shorts? Why must I go through this torture?" Cyra whined, making the rest of the team roll their eyes.

M'gann flips up her hood and goes into camouflage mode as she floats down silently from the bio-ship and Cyra follows her, a green glow overtaking her body as she flies down silently next to the Martian. Robin and Kid Flash are slightly less quiet as they land, but still much quieter than Superboy, who jumps right from the ship and causes a big crater to appear.

"Knew I didn't need a line," Superboy smirks.

"And yet creating a seismic event isn't helping much with the covert!" Robin put his hands on his hips.

"I can't wear green, but Supey can make mini earthquakes? So unfair," Cyra crossed her arms, pouting.

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