"In the brightest day, in the blackest night."

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January 2, 13:14 EST

"Cyra Brion," the Guardian's voice echoed across the large room. Green Lanterns of every shape and size stood along the walls, stacking in consisting rows that appeared to go on forever. "Do you promise to uphold the Green Lantern Oath and protect your assigned sector with you life."

Cyra's head was bowed as she knelt. Her voice was empty, "I do."

"Following your pledge to the Green Lantern Corps you will be moved for Oa for further training and then you will be assigned your section. I will be honest with you, Earth does not need another Green Lantern."

"I understand."

The Guardians motioned Hal forward from where he stood next to the Guardian's pedestals. Her mentor took a deep breath before stepping forward, presenting her a green lantern by the handle.

She took the object, the light at the head instantly glowing.

The Lanterns on the walls stood straighter.

"Do you have any questions?"


"Then, once you repeat the Oath I'm about to tell you, you will be an honorary member of the Green Lantern Corps—the enforcers of the Galaxy. You will uphold our pledge and fight for us to the end."

Cyra didn't speak, didn't argue.

"Repeat after me: "In the brightest day, in the blackest night,

No evil shall escape my sight.

Let those who worship evil's might

Beware my power—Green Lantern's light."

The Oath made the air rattle in power, the lantern in her hand illuminating the air around them. Her ring called out to her on her finger as she looked up, her eyes blazing a cosmic green. She didn't have to listen as she knew the words by heart. It was a promise to be recited from her heart.

Cyra took a deep breath, and said the words.

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