11: "I swear, I will kick you out of space one day!"

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Coast City High

September 7, 11:09 EDT

Now Cyra was a pretty pale person naturally. 

She lived in Coast City LA district, so it was usually sunny and seventy-five, meaning that everyone had tans, leaving her the odd one out. She couldn't help her pale skin; her body just wouldn't tan. This made her get a quite few jokes from the other tan kids, which annoyed her greatly. Her skin has gotten to the point it usually doesn't burn unless she spends long hours in the sun. 

Like, say, the Bialyan desert for a little over twenty-four hours!

In other words, Cyra had a wicked sunburn and was trying to cover it up as best as possible as every little touch of her face made her wince. Her once pale face now took on a bright reddish-orange tint that burned. Cyra was frankly surprised she didn't get skin cancer yet. 

"What's with the hood and sunglasses? It's cloudy out," Charlie says as he looked up to the sky, which was full of clouds and not letting any sun in, defeating the purpose of her green aviators. 

Cyra was wearing a green hoodie that she tried to make cover her face and her regular green aviators. 

"For looks?" Cyra offered weakly, trying to avoid his eye contact with her face. 

She heard a puff as the hood was suddenly pulled back off her head. 

"Hey!" Cyra yelp and she looked up and saw Charlie break out laughing and Cyra pouted while flipping her hood up. She shrugged down and crossed her arms angrily. "It's not funny." 

"You're face is so red!" Charlie exclaimed while laughing before whipping away a fake tear as he grins at her. 

Charlie had a contagious smile, but Cyra managed to fight against it this once as she scowled and set her head against the table. She tried to convince her parents to let her stay home today, but it was no luck. Her parents' safe haven was when the kids were at school, so they were not interested in having one stay home for something as little as a sunburn. 

"Stop it's not funny," Cyra whined from her face pressed against the table. 

Charlie tried to hold in his giggles. "No, no, you're right. It's not funny and I'm sorry," But the giggles between words really made it sound like he wasn't sorry. 

"I hate you."

"You love me," Charlie wrapped an arm around Cyra, making her glad her face was already sunburned so he couldn't see the obvious blush. "You look beautiful sunburn or no sunburn." 

Dang it, Cyra cursed to herself. How am I supposed to respond to that?

"You look mighty fine yourself, Blondie," Cyra said, making a finger gun motion as she looked up. 

Charlie let out a chuckle as he set his head on his hand and look at her thoughtfully. "Hey, Cyra."


"Umm," He seemed nervous, fidgeting with his hands. "There is something I've been meaning to ask you . . ."

Cyra froze for a second. She has seen enough cheesy romance flicks to know what was coming. The Green Lantern, who has faced against some of the worst villains and went on the most dangerous missions, was slightly frightened. What was she supposed to say? What she wanted to say or what she had to say? Green Lantern's can't do that type of stuff and she had some major responsibilities. But Charlie . . . 

Cyra's thoughts were interrupted by a buzz on her ring finger. She pulled up her sleeve to see her little green ring pulsing and buzzing with the double meaning of trouble and a message from Hal. 

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