40: "Clowns always deserve to get punched."

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Haly's Circus

December 23, 23:08 CET

Another show just ended and the circus was packing up to head to Geneva for the next one. Cyra was watching as Superboy and Miss Martian loaded up packs and crates.

"You could help," Superboy grunted as he lifted up yet another crate.

"Don't want to break my cover," Cyra saluted, her aviators seated on her face as she laid across a crate.

Superboy snorted, taking the crate out from under Cyra's feet, causing the blonde to glare as her feet hit the snow, soaking them and freezing her toes. "Rude," she grumbled.

"You need some help with that?" Ray, the strongman, asked M'gann, both of their hands on the same suitcase.

"I'm good, thanks. Maybe one of the others could use some help?" M'gann motioned to the firebreather and another strongmen, both who had come down with the virus flying around the circus. "A lot of them seem to have that flu."

The blond man shrugged. "Yeah, it's going around."

Cyra shriveled her noses up at them as one coughed, hoping she was too awesome with her Green Lantern might to catch something as feeble as a cold.

"All aboard! Everyone! Now!" Haly ordered, not sounding like his usual chirpy and show-stopping as he disappeared into the train.

The rest of the Team loaded up, putting everything together. It was night by the time they all were assembled in their personal compartment they picked to do all their sneaky herowork—but that had now turned into a med bay for their favorite Martian, who wasn't lucky enough to get away from the flu.

"I'm sorry Miss—M'gann, I hope you didn't catch it from me," Robin said, who was feeling all better on his own.

"I feel so silly," she huffed. Superboy sat on her seat with her with no fear of the sniffles. "Who knew a Martian could be vulnerable to a human virus?"

"Uh, H.G. Wells? Look, when did you first feel sick?"

"Just after boarding the train. It came on suddenly."

"Same with me the other day!" Robin pointed out. "I remember Ray rubbed my head right before we went on."

"Ray? That roast-about? He touched her right before we boarded," Superboy spoke with obvious disgust.

"You think Ray's a walking virus?" Cyra asked.

"Yeah, maybe . . ." Robin said thoughtfully, turning to run out of the compartment.

The Team listened in as Robin AKA "Dan" ran into Haly in the hallway. He asked about Ray and the ringmaster told him about how he just joined the tour a few months ago and that he too had come down with the flew, and the Dangers moved into the hallway.

"We'll go check on him," Artemis offered.

"If you insist!" Haly said, not at all reminding Cyra of an evil mastermind, as she with Superboy and her archer friends, began to walk in the direction of Ray's compartment. M'gann and Robin soon ran in step behind them.

Artemis was the first into the compartment, the door slamming against the wall. The room was dark and empty of any plotting maniacs—sadly. There were a few some cots and mostly piles of equipment on shelves and stacked upon crates.

"Guess he wasn't that sick," Superboy said, looking to the empty bed.

"Does this circus have an elephant I don't know about?" Red Arrow asked, gesturing to a box labeled: ELEPHANT FOOD.

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