32: "Are you here about the five dollar large pizzas?"

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Mount Justice

November 22, 09:42 EST

    "Robin, Kid Flash, Green Lantern, Superboy, Miss Martian, please report for mission debriefing," Batman's voice echoed from the speakers across Mount Justice.

    Cyra's head looked up from where she was nose-deep in chips and dip with Zatanna and Wally. "Looks like duty calls," she said, swallowing a handful of chips as she jumped up from her seat.

    Zatanna frowned, gazing up at the speakers solemnly. "When do you think I'll be able to go on a mission?"

    "Batman is probably just making sure you're settled in all right," Wally sped to his feet, patting her shoulder. "He's paranoid, you'll get used to it."

    Zatanna stuffed another chip in her mouth and spoke through the crumbs, "Humph."

    Cyra twisted her ring around her finger, covering up her jeans and brown leather jacket with her usually Green Lantern suit. She looked to Wally, smirking, "Race ya," and took off in flight.

    "Not fair! You had a head start!" Wally yelled after her before breaking into a sprint.

    They twisted through the Cave before arriving at the main room covered with large monitors. Wally got there an entire four and a half seconds before Cyra, but Cyra blamed it on not wanting to go the speed of light in the Cave and rip a black hole in the fabric of space. Wally just snorted.

    "Good, you're here," Batman said stiffly, turning back to picture of a map and a chubby, bronzed man. The rest of the team was already there, Robin smirking upon Cyra and Wally's arrival. M'gann's arms were wrapped around herself in discomfort. Cyra threw her a questioning look but was ignored by the Martian. Batman continued, "Rumaan Harjavti is the President of Qurac. Harjavti has been praised as a fair, wise leader. A humanitarian."

    The man—Harjavti—in the flame shifted to the President shaking hands with Bruce Wayne on national television. Cyra instantly found herself zoning out, never being the best at paying attention in her boring history classes and found Batman's debrief equally uninteresting until Wally's sideways whisper brought her back to the present.

    "Sure, anything for a friend of Bruce Wayne," Wally said knowingly behind his hand to Robin.

    "What do you mean?" Cyra tilted her head.

    Robin and Wally exchanged a look.

    "Nothing," they said in unison. Cyra glared at them sharply, scrunching up her nose.

    "Jerks," she muttered to herself.

    Batman coughed and once the younger heroes have settled down, persisted, "But five days ago, Harjavti aligned himself with the dictator of the neighboring nation of Bialya, Queen Bee."

    Superboy scoffed, his hands on his hips. "Not a fan."

    "Me neither," Cyra agreed.

    Superboy narrowed his eyes at her. "You never met her, Cyra."

    Cyra smiled flippantly. "I trust your judgment."

    Fighting a smile, Superboy rolled his eyes and focused back on Batman.

    "Few are," Batman said, "but Harjavti suddenly backs her baseless claims that Qurac and Biayla were one nation in ancient times and has announced that the countries will reunify in two days at a ceremony in Qurac."

A large video appeared on the screen. Harjavti began to recite, "After the ceremony, I will step down as president, so that our rightful monarch, Queen Bee, can rule."

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