6: "That's male genitals in a sweatshirt."

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Mount Justice

August 3, 07:52 EDT

"Say my name, say my name.

If no one is around you,

Say baby I love you."

Cyra sang along to the song playing in her green headphones as she his the air hockey puck hard, sending it spinning into Aqualad's Slot, earning Cyra yet another point and causing the Green Lantern to win the game.

"Superboy, B04," A feminine voice said as the Zeta-Tube came alive and Superboy stomped out angrily.

"Hi, Superboy!" M'gann greeted. "How was Metropolis?"

The Martian was left without an answer, walking right through the holographic air hockey table. Before Superboy could get out of the room; Black Canary entered and said to the teenage heroes, "Ready for training, everyone?"

"Black Canary! Uncle J'onn!" M'gann embraced Martian Manhunter.

"M'gann, I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd see how you were adjusting."

"A few bumps, but I'm learning."

"That is all I can ask."

Superboy did a failed attempt to walk out of the room, but Black Canary spotted him. "Stick around; class is in session."

The Team gathered in the training room with Black Canary standing in the middle of the room. Superboy was off sulking in the corner as the others stood together, closer to the ring. Cyra threw a disgusted look to Wally, who was in his Kid Flash attire and was eating a banana.

"What? You don't like bananas?" Wally asked, his mouth so full of the tropical fruit that it was practically pouring out and he struggled to gulp it all down.

The blonde gagged and shoved the speedster away from her. "That's male genitals in a sweatshirt. There is no way I am putting that in my mouth."

"Don't you already do that all the time anyways?" Wally scowled at you, crossing his arms.

Cyra's mouth dropped. Her and Wally always bickered, but in the past few weeks Wally has been particularly sharp. It's like Cyra killed his puppy or something as he started making the worst and rudest remarks he could think of. The Green Lantern shook with anger as she suddenly launched herself at the ginger speedster.

"Hey!" Black Canary yelled as Cyra tried to strangle Kid Flash. Canary threw Cyra off of the boy and yelled at them, "If you need to fight; do it in the ring! Now," Canary turned back to the rest of the group, making sure to keep the two fifteen year olds far apart.

The rest of the Team was in shock of what just happened as none of them had heard the conversation. Therefore have never heard what the fight was about.

"I consider it to be a honor, your teacher. I'll throw a lot at you. Everything I learned from my own mentors," Black Canary started as she took off her jacket, showing off her arm wrapped in bandages. "And my own bruises."

M'gann gasped, "What happened?"

Cyra finally noticed that Martian Manhunter was still behind his green niece as Cyra wanted to beat herself with a brick. She knew that the League Member just witnessed everything and will most likely report it back to Batman. The Lantern knew she had some trust with Canary that the older woman wouldn't tattle on her so easily, but she didn't know about the senior League member.

"The job," Canary shrugged off the girl's question. "Now, combat is about controlling conflict. Putting the battle on your terms. You should always be acting, never reacting," Canary gave a pointed look to the young Green Lantern, who crossed her arms as she avoided the older woman's gaze.

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