14: "So Shere Khan and Dumbo walked into a bar."

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Mount Justice

September 23, 06:34 EDT

"Pfft," Cyra let out. "I could do that." 

The Team was sitting around a table as League members milled around them, including Green Lanterns Hal Jordan and John Stewart. John had made a big crane construct, making Cyra push him off as a show-off. 

"Synchronizing Cave security protocols with Watchtower mainframe," The Super-Siri called out from Martian Manhunter tippity-typing on the holographic computer. 

Green Arrow and Black Canary stood next to their table, making sure the heroes didn't decide to do something stupid to blow up the world or something. In a way to make them more comfortable, Green Arrow placed a bowl of pretzels in front of Wally.

"Thanks, but no thanks," Wally muttered. 

"Yeah! What we want are answers," Robin spoke up. "About Red Tornado and his siblings." 

"And why they tried to kill us," Cyra added as she spun her ring in front of her face. 

"Exactly! Wait—" Wally exclaimed as Green Arrow started to take the bowl of pretzels away. "Leave the bowl." 

Wally ate the pretzels loudly and for once Cyra ignored the growing hunger in her stomach to shoot him a glare before drawing her gaze back to her ring. 

"You knew!" Superboy's shout made Cyra jump in her seat as she looked over and saw the Boy of Steel had Aqualad by the collar of his shirt. "Red Tornado and his maniac family nearly killed M'gann!"

And me. And Wally, and Robin, and Artemis, and Aqualad, Cyra added in her head as she rolled her eyes. 

"Connor! What are you doing?" M'gann flew to intercept the scuffle. 

"Kaldur knew we had a traitor among us and said nothing!" Superboy yelled, this causing the whole team to stand up. 

Cyra slipped back on her ring and leaned against the table. 

"You knew?" Robin questioned angrily. 

"And didn't tell us?" Wally finished. 

Aqualad tried to defend himself. "I sought to protect the team—"

"Protect us from what?" Artemis butted in. "Knowledge that could have saved our lives?"

Aqualad threw Cyra a look that screamed for help. Cyra pursed her lips and shrugged her shoulders. "Not cool, dude."

"You almost died," Superboy looked to M'gann.

"Enough," A dark voice ordered as Batman. "With Red Tornado . . . missing, the Team will now be overseen by rotating supervisors. Captain Marvel has volunteered to take the first shift." 

A guy in a red suit and yellow lightning bolt insignia stepped forward. 

Flash copy-cat, Cyra thought as she turned up her nose. At least this guy has a cape. 

"I'm really looking forward to hanging with you guys," Captain Marvel grinned at them. 

"Speak for yourself," Cyra said what was on everyone else's mind, but Robin hit her in the back of the head for it. "Ow!"

"After I dismantle Red Tornado," Superboy turned to Aqualad. "You and I are gonna—"

Batman interrupted, "Red Tornado is a member of the Justice League. That makes him a League responsibility. You will leave him to us." 

"But he didn't try to off the League," Cyra said as she mimed getting her throat slit. 

Batman turned his Bat-Glare to the young Green Lantern. "You will leave Red Tornado to the League, understood?"

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