16: "How 'bout Count Verti-no!"

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Coast City High

October 1, 08:08 EDT

Cyra was sitting in her usual spot outside on the wooden picnic table. Other students were milling about, doing homework or laughing with there friends. The Green Lantern was scrolling through her text messages with Artemis. Her attention was drawn away when a creak of the seat signaled Charlie sitting down.

"Hi!" he greeted cheerfully. "I haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?"

"You saw me, like, three hours ago."

Charlie shrugged with a cute grin on his face as he started to eat his pre-heated hamburger from the school's cafeteria. His face immediately changed to disgust after the first bite as he gagged it back up onto the plate.

Cyra let out a laugh as Charlie whipped his mouth.

"That was disgusting," he gagged again at the thought. "I can't believe you people eat these things."

Cyra's grin flattered for a second before she let out a more, embarrassed laugh. "Yeah, the school really needs to work on their food. I'm surprised no one's died yet."

Cyra turned to her book bag, pulling out some homework and an old toy car she swiped from her other brother, Mark's, special chest of antique junk that he buys from pawn shops.

"What's that for?" Charlie asked curiously as his eyes flickered like lights around the objects.

"It's for an art project," Cyra explains. "I have to draw a picture of a toy, so I just picked this. I thought it would be cool because the paint is chipping."

Now Cyra wasn't an artist by a long shot. Most of the other kids in her class were a lot more skilled than she was and cared about it a lot more. Half of the time she didn't even show up to her art class, but she thought that she should at least try to pass the class instead of dead-ball failing it.

"Cool. Sounds like fun," Charlie said politely as he hesitantly took a bite of a French fry.

"You want to do it for me?" Cyra joked and Charlie laughed, shaking his head.

Cyra focused on the paper beneath her as she started to draw. Her pencil was dull and the outline was wobbly as Cyra focused to go quickly, just trying to get it done.

The shadows on the car were at an odd angle, causing Cyra to have to turn her whole body over the table. Her elbow hit the car, causing it to get knocked off the table.

"Woah!" Charlie exclaimed as his hand snaked out in the blink of an eye to catch the car. "Ow!" He barked, causing Cyra to jump in her seat as he suddenly let go of the car, letting it fall to the grass below.

"What's wrong?" Cyra asked, confused on what could have hurt him.

Charlie looked pale. His voice was shaking, "Yeah, I'm fine. I think the edge of the car just nicked me when it fell down."

His tone of voice caught Cyra off guard. It wasn't like a toy car was going to make him cry. Cyra observed him closer and noticed that he wasn't shaking from fear or sadness, but anger. His fists were clenched together as he kept clenching his jaw.

"Are you sure? I can take you to the nurse if—"

"I said I'm fine," Charlie snapped aggressively as Cyra leaned away from him suddenly. Seeing her face, Charlie softened his features. "I'm sorry," He apologized. "I just haven't been having the best day. I'll see you later, okay?"

Charlie's blue eyes were staring at Cyra softly as if he was comforting a kicked puppy instead of a superhero. It was starting to creep the blonde out. Cyra just nodded her head, signaling for Charlie to leave and he gave her one last smile before getting up and heading towards the main building.

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