22: "What's wrong with saying 'dude'?"

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Mount Justice

October 31, 19:34 EDT

It's been eight days since Cyra got back to the Cave after the top-secret mission that Batman advised her not to tell her fellow teammates about. This caused Cyra to grow a larger-than-normal large head from her the other's constant questions and curiosity, even the Dark Knight's own sidekick was kept in the dark. Not to mention how they were worried about her to the point of asking RT, who of course told them nothing. For a robot who almost killed them, like, twice, he was very trustworthy.

But then again, it kind of sucked that Cyra couldn't tell them about all the butts she kicked and the huge drug ring she took down, but it was for the best. Then it would only lead to more questions about why she was chosen and how she could pass off and blah blah blah AKA Cyra's uncomfort at the subject.

For now, Cyra's head was back to the regular size of a normal everyday Cyra. She was wearing some baggy grey sweatpants and an old Green Lantern sweatshirt that Hal got her as a joke on her birthday. Looking in the mirror, Cyra tried to fix her hair slightly and winced at the bags under her eyes. Sleep has not been her friend, especially with advanced classes keeping her up, but that was the good part. It was better than sitting up at night, haunted by the last mission.

The Green Lantern's fingers traced and cuts on her cheek and above her left eye. Hey, at least it wasn't an ear, Cyra thought, trying to be positive. Or where the cuts used to be at least. Since the battle, they healed up in a couple of days and now you could barely tell they were there. Cyra's swollen and bruised cheek was back to normal, only slightly pinkish compared to the rest of her pale skin. She subconsciously twisted her ring around her finger. Maybe she discovered a new Green Lantern perk?

Cyra let out a sigh before flushing the toilet and running the water a bit to make the illusion that she was actually in the bathroom like she originally said she was before going back out to the rest of the Team.

"What's with the howling?" Cyra asked, cupping her ears with her hands as she walked into the main area of the Cave by the Zeta-Tubes. Wally turned to her, sporting a brown beard of fake facial hair and a red jock jacket as he stood next to zombie bride M'gann and a Connor wrapped in toilet paper. Odd.

"Uh, it's Halloween." Wally motioned to his outfit.

Cyra narrowed her eyes. "Since when?"

"Since forever? It's October 31st! Why aren't you dressed?"

Cyra shrugged. "Not much in the Halloween mood, I guess. Probably just going to hang in the kitchen and eat those cookies M'gann made."

"What? You can't miss out on the most important day of the year!"

"Watch me," Cyra growled.

"Cyra, you said you'd come to the Halloween dance at our school, remember?" M'gann joined in, floating to stand next to the Green Lantern—who just let out a bark of laughter in retaliation.

"No offense, but those things are lame," Cyra drew out the 'lame' part.

Wally appeared next to Cyra in a blur of red and now, brown, throwing his none-broken arm over her shoulders and buried his face playfully in her neck. "Aww, come on, Cyra! Live a little! Let out your wild side!"

Cyra found it hard to keep the grumpy expression on her face as the pushed the ginger idiot away. "Get off. I don't need your beard scratching up the side of my face, you porcupine."

"You two are so cute," M'gann squealed suddenly, causing Cyra and Wally to jump at least a foot apart, matching looks of disgust flashing across their features.

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