33: "Aww, teenagers' quarrel."

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Mount Justice

November 23, 09:15 EST

"Hello, Megan!" the television set in one of the plush bedrooms burst out with. A montage of a girl with that looked strangely similar to M'gann but with white skin and diddly music played in the background.

Cyra and Wally were relaxing back on the fluffy pillows of the finely made pale bed. The walls were bare, the closet empty, and everything new and shiny—until the two teenage heroes tore it apart like a tornado.

Chip bags laid open with crumbs scattered on the mattress and opened pop cans still sizzling on the nightstand. They were laughing uncontrollably. Hello, Megan only had twenty-two episodes—which was far too short for their standards—and they stopped viewing by episode three because they couldn't stop snorting or crying from awe.

"I can't believe M'gann hid this for so long!" Cyra exclaimed. "Why wouldn't she share this with the world?"

"She was probably trying to spare us," Wally snickered.

"I wish she didn't," Cyra said, throwing a piece of popcorn in Wally's face. He caught it in his mouth and smirked as he bit down on it noisily.

Cyra grinned and began to fire kernel after kernel. Wally sped around the room catching them with garnished spirals, eventually running straight at Cyra and tackling her onto the bed, sending the bag of popcorn rolling onto the floor sadly.

"Get off!" Cyra barked, forcing false anger into her voice.

"You can't tell me what to do," Wally said smugly down at her, there noses close enough to brush. His hands were holding himself up on either side of her head. "I'm older, remember?"

Cyra raised an eyebrow doubtfully. "I tell GL Senior what to do and he's, like, eighty."

Cyra could practically imagine Hal rolling over in his grave—if he was dead—that is. Which he wasn't.

Wally's chest shook with laughter, so he let his arms fall and fell directly onto Cyra, causing the blonde to grunt. She groaned as she pushed him off. The speedster hesitantly let himself be moved aside, chucking and Cyra overdramatically coughed for breath as if an elephant was just standing on her throat.

"Stop overreacting," Wally rolled his eyes.

Cyra gasped, placing a hand to her chest. "I react the perfect amount, thank you very much."

"You're not welcome," Wally said sing-song as he dodged her kicked to his abdomen. He spoke in a higher pitched voice, an imitation of a certain whiny Green Lantern, "Ow! That hurts! You're going to bruise my precious ego!"

Cyra threw a pillow, it hitting its mark on Wally's head, and bouncing off. "I don't sound like that!" she said in a purposefully gruff voice. "I hit puberty, unlike some people."

"I'm far passed puberty, trust me," Wally said nonchalantly.

"Oh, have you already reached menopause?"

It was Wally's turn to throw a bed product, but this time it was the entire comforter, ripping it out from under Cyra, which flipped her onto the floor with a groan. Wally, gently, let the blanket flutter down back over the defeated Green Lantern.

Cyra's amber eyes peeked out from underneath the blanket, wide and almost tearful. Wally smiled lightly as she grabbed her hand and yanked her back up to her feet, only to lift her up bridal-style and throw her back onto the bed.

"Ha, pranked."

"You're not funny," Cyra deadpanned as she adjusted on the bed to her comfy. "Can we keep watching the show or does someone want more attention?"

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