9: "Oh, I didn't tell you? I'm a Green Lantern."

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Mount Justice

August 20, 03:48 EDT

Wally slowly and gently placed the Helmet of Fate on his souvenir shelf, right next to Cheshire's mask. So far, he had quite the collection. A small smile was on the ginger's face as he turned around, but jumped in surprise at who he saw.

Cyra was standing there in her civvies: an orange flannel with the words, "Anti-social social club" on the back and some light blue ripped skinny jeans. To Wally, she looked gorgeous for just getting out of a hospital bed. She had a hand on her side, where the bandages would be under her shirt from the nasty energy bolt that Klarion hit her with.

"What are you doing out of bed?" Wally demanded, walking towards her and ready to take her back to the nursing room.

Cyra rolled her eyes at the speedster. "I'm tired of spending all the after parties in hospital beds. Besides, I'm not that hurt anyway. I can still walk around."

Wally scowled at her. "You shouldn't be out of bed."

"Okay, mom," Cyra joked as she looked at the Helmet of Fate on the shelf and raised an eyebrow. "If you don't believe in magic, then why are you keeping that thing?"

A small smirk grew on Wally's face as he said, "A souvenir."

Cyra rolled her amber eyes, but couldn't stop a small tug on her lips. "What happened to you when you put on the Helmet?"

"Energy from the thing rewrote my brainwaves and I was bio-scripted into becoming Doctor Fate for a few minutes. No big," Wally shrugged nonchalant, a smirk still on his face.

"I believe in that almost as much as you believe in magic," Cyra smirked back as Wally rolled his eyes playful.

"But do you know what I do believe in?" Wally asked, a flirtatious undertone in his voice. He slid closer to Cyra and put an arm around her shoulders. "Love," he whispered in her ear.

Cyra pushed Wally off of her, who was laughing. Wally was back to his old stupid and flirting self. Cyra would never admit it out loud, but she was glad he was back to making stupid advances and horrible jokes.

"I don't. It's all just generated emotions made by our brain. Made for our survival instincts to find a mate and you would not make a good mate for me," Cyra smirked as she walked out the door.

Behind her, Wally yelled, "Unfair!"

The blonde's laugh echoed through the halls of Mount Justice.

Cyra let out a loud laugh as Charlie sneezed a carrot out of his nose.

Cyra never had many, if any, friends at school. Or at home. Or at all. She had people she sat with and talked to, but they were more of acquaintances than friends and they never hung out outside of school. She didn't even how those people anymore since becoming a Green Lantern. She was always too busy to hang out and if she did, she always had to leave for some weird reason—like a robot attacking or a meteorite falling from the sky.

But this year was different. This year the new kid Charlie McHugh came to Coast City High. More importantly, he decided to become friends with Cyra. So not only did Cyra have a friend that she actually liked but with his golden blonde hair and baby blue eyes, he was hot.

Cyra would never admit it out loud, but he was a regulation hottie.

Charlie was cute, funny, and athletic from playing football and basketball. Not to mention he wasn't a pig head jerk and was actually really nice. Did Cyra mention he could sing? Ya, Mr. Perfect can sing.

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