23: "Mood."

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"So, when are we going to see the Corps about my GL status?" Cyra asked through a mouthful of donuts.

Hal was chilling with Cyra on top of a large donut, eating from boxes of dozen as the sun slowly set across Coast City. After stopping a hostage bank robbery situation and saving a cat from King Shark, it's been a stressful day and they decided that donuts seemed to be the best answer. The Green Lantern was slightly shocked by the area of conversation. Whenever Hal talked about her future as a Green Lantern before, she turned him down. Despite her talk, Hal could tell that Cyra didn't want to leave Earth.

"After the whole Injustice League, I thought you could use a break," Hal shrugged.

"I feel fine," Cyra said. "Plus, when will there be a better time?"

"I guess you're right. We'll go soon, I promise. I want to get in contact with John first, so we can all go together."

"What do I have to do?"

"It's just an examination. They will test your skills and then from there, they'll decide if you should keep your ring."

"I know that." Cyra rolled her eyes. "I meant—what is the test going to be? Saving a planet from annihilation? Destroying some big bad? Finding gold? What?"

"I don't know," Hal admitted. "This is the first time they ever have done this before. Who knows what they'll throw at you."

Seeing Cyra's slightly paler face, Hal tried to comfort her. "But you're young. I'm sure it won't be too bad. Nothing you can't handle."

Cyra forced a smirk to her face. "They can't handle this. Best Green Lantern in history coming through!"

They laughed together, but it was more like a habit. They continued to eat together in silence, occasionally asking for a napkin and burping, but besides that, it was a peaceful quiet.

"How do you think it'll be like?" Cyra asked, her arms behind her head as she looked up at the brilliant night sky. "Living off of Earth? You think I'll be assigned to a planet like this one?"

Hal sat up. "Who says you won't be assigned to Earth?"

Cyra just shrugged and after a moment of analyzing his sidekick, Hal laid back down. "I don't know. I never had to. I'm sure you're get assigned to Earth though. You're just a kid, they won't take you away from your home." Hal's voice got quieter when he repeated, "You're just a kid."

"I think it would be cool," Cyra stated. "Maybe I'll get stuck on a planet full of golden retrievers or where there is no crime, so I can just chill at a beach somewhere sipping on those fancy drinks with the little umbrellas."

"You don't want to stay on Earth?" Hal asked, his voice sounding more hostile than he wanted.

Cyra winced. "Of course I do! But if they are going to kick me off, I might as well look forward to it, yeah?"

Yet again, the older Lantern was shocked by his young protegee. He expected her to go out kicking and screaming. When they reassigned her, Hal expected Cyra to fight. To go out kicking in screaming about how she wanted to stay home. This quiet acceptance is not who he knew.

But then again, Hal thought. Cyra wanted to be a Green Lantern. She understands the duty. If the Corps decided that somewhere else needed her more, she'd do it.

Hal wished she'd just kick and scream instead of being so complicated.

"Plus, Earth isn't all that great," Cyra went on thoughtfully. "All these heroes and villains constantly fighting. Wars, famine, disease. This place is pretty messed up. It'll only get worse."

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