10: "Toto, I don't think we're in Nevada anymore!"

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September 4, 00:16 EEST

"Hey, you—wake up," The voice sounded far away in Cyra's ears. Cyra let out a groan as she blinked open her eyes.

She was in a wooden hut of some sort. There was hard sand under her hands that she clenched as she sat up. Right when she looked up, she meet the eyes of a grinning ginger boy with green eyes. Cyra instantly stood up and took a few steps back, finding the boy to be extremely creepy, but kind of cute.

"Hey, hey it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you," He said gently, holding out his hand as a gesture that he is unarmed. The boy was in some weird black suit with a lightning bolt insignia on his chest. He didn't seem to be armed.

"Who are you?" Cyra demanded, glaring at the boy with sharp amber eyes.

"I'm a good guy. You know, Kid Flash?" He pointed to himself with a grin.

"I've seen Kid Flash," Cyra gave him an up and down look. "You're not him. He wears yellow."

He looked down at his suit in confusion. "I'm a little unclear about that myself. What about you? A Green Lantern?"

It was Cyra's turn to give him a strange look before looking down at her own outfit. She was wearing a skin tight green suit and there was a ring on her finger with the Green Lantern emblem on it, as it was on her suit.

"No way," Cyra let out as she looked at her self and felt her face, feeling a mask through her gloved hands. "I'm a Green Lantern! This is so cool! So I'm, like, a superhero now, right? Can I do all that cool stuff that the Green Lanterns can do? Pfft, of course I can because I am a Green Lantern!"

"So your new at this? You know how to use that ring?" Kid Flash motioned to your ring.

"No idea," Cyra grinned stupidly. "Have no idea where I am and last I checked I wasn't a Green Lantern, but major upgrade!" Cyra punched the air.

"Same. Were in the desert somewhere, probably Nevada or something," Wally examined.

Suddenly, a sound pierced the air. The sound of something falling. Cyra had heard the sound many of times before while watching action movies. The sound of a bomb falling. Yippee.

"Bomb!" She yelled, by Kid Flash was way ahead of her as he swooped her up bridal-style and ran out of the building.

Cyra was looking over his shoulder right when the bomb dropped and a million thoughts ran through her head:

We're going to be killed by the explosion and debris.

Kid Flash won't be able to run fast enough.

I really do not want to die!

Cyra closed her eyes as focused on trying not to get hit by the blast and willed for it to completely miss them or something along the lines of them not getting barbequed. Cyra's closed her eyes tightly as she waited for them to be disintegrated, but it never happened. Kid Flash set her down as they looked to see a big green bubble incasing them, shielding them from the blast.

Did I do that? Cyra wondered and the bubble seemed to pop as they stood in the naked desert.

"Don't know how to use the ring, huh?" Kid Flash smirked at her.

Where the little hut once stood was a smoking circle and over the horizon was approaching tanks. Tanks, like the big military stuff that blew things up? Yeah, those things were after Cyra and she still had no idea what was going on.

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