8: "Unless by hot-headed you mean I'm hot, then yeah I am!"

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Previously . . .

She looked down and saw herself in her civvies, sitting in a white hospital bed and surrounded by the Team, Hal, and Batman. Her head felt fuzzy as the room seemed to tilt before going back to its original place. Cyra put a hand to get head, which was throbbing with a dull pain.

"How long was I out?" Cyra's voice sounded odd like she just woke up from a long nap.

Hal, just wearing a brown leather jacket and green aviators, looking tired and worn out as he said in a solemn voice, "You were in a coma for five years."

Presently . . .

Cyra's amber eyes widened in horror right before Hal broke out laughing.

"You should have seen your face," He laughed, pointing at the confused blonde. "I'm only joking. You've been unconscious for a few hours."

Cyra glared at the laughing Green Lantern and then Kid Flash and Robin, who were giggling in the corner. Batman sent Hal a disapproving glare as he turned back to the girl in the hospital bed and asked in his usual emotionless tone, "What is the last thing you remember?"

"God telling me that I am a superior being of pure power and that you should all bow and my feet and make me your supreme ruler."

Batman was not amused.

Cyra thought back. "We were hunting the Fog, Rob was in the building, I went outside, and then I was . . . falling. The last thing I remember was falling."

Batman nodded his head. "No concussion then. Your lucky Superboy was there to catch you or you would have died on impact."

Cyra threw a smile at Superboy. "I will give you a very nice high-five later."

This caused Superboy's mouth to curve upwards into a smile as Cyra turned back to Batman, who was checking her vitals. "So what's the diagnosis, Doc?"

"You exhausted yourself to the point your body had to put you into sleep. Your blood pressure levels were extremely low and your body was on the point of dehydration and starvation."

"That's not so bad," Cyra observed until Batman gave her a look that said he wasn't done.

"You also emitted so much raw power your body couldn't handle it. Your heart stopped twice before we could sedate you. You almost died from using so much of the Ring's power."

Cyra swallowed the lump that formed in her throat. "Oh."

Hal could feel the layer of depression and silence fall over the room and decided to lighten the mood. "Bright side: You're all over the news! 'New Green Lantern saves Wayne Tech.!'"

Hal does a hand motion to show the headlines with his ring, making the words out of a green and fancy font in the air. That reminded Cyra of something as she looked to her right ring finger, where her ring was supposed to be, but it wasn't. Her ring was gone.

"Where's my ring?" Cyra asked, panicked. Rule #1 of a Green Lantern: Don't lose the ring. That was a big no no.

"Don't worry," Hal waved it off. "I have it."

Cyra narrows her eyes at her mentor. "Why do you have it?"

"Because you already overexerted yourself and you need to get your energy back. Until you're back in tip-top shape, you're not getting your ring back."

"What?" Cyra exploded, anger radiating off of her as the heart monitor next to her spiked with her heartbeat.

"Calm down," Batman ordered. "We can talk about your ring later. For now, you need to rest. You'll be staying in this room until tomorrow. We called the school to say your sick and your parents to say you had to leave early for an overnight school field trip. Until later, you will pay off your hours with Kid Flash, who has been ordered to stay with you."

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