24: "Did anyone bring the catnip?"

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Mount Justice

November 5, 19:47 EDT

"Did you get everything?"

"Everything on your list, Batman. Plus, groceries," M'gann said as she floated in two boxes and set a crate down on the floor. Cyra and Conner were lugging out large crates full of supplies, Cyra moving them around with her ring easily.

"Cookie Fixins?" Wally sped in. He began to search through the crate like a bloodhound.

"Snickerdoodles," M'gann confirmed.

"Baby, you rock my world."

Cyra rolled her eye as she took out the last box. "That's all of them," she yawned. Kaldur and Conner began to cut open the stacked crates.

"Why are you so tired? You barely did anything," Wally exclaimed.

"You didn't do anything at all!" Cyra pointed out.

She had yet to tell the Team about the whole Manhunter incident. Even though she completely rocked it and totally wanted to brag about her amazing Jaws construct, it never came up. Hal and herself were still searching for whoever this wanted fugitive may be. Cyra, for once, couldn't wait until the school was back up and running, so she could discover which teachers didn't show up or which students were missing limbs. Not to mention, Batman seemed to be around more than usual and she didn't want a lecture from her on how she could have handled it better.

Her phone suddenly buzzed in the pocket of her jeans. She fished it out and looked down at the screen—NOTIFICATION FROM Charlie.

Cyra quickly swiped her phone open. The two have been talking back and forth ever since the school was exploded. Cyra wondered at first if he was all right and that he wasn't in the school when it went down. It would be odd if he was but Cyra didn't know the sports schedule.

His message read: Hey, are you up for hanging out tonight? Around 8?

Cyra didn't even notice the stupid grin that shined on her face as she typed back a yes and that she would see him then. Wally caught sight of the look and narrowed his eyes. Cyra rarely texted. She talked enough that she didn't need to. Wally sprinted over in a blur, snatching Cyra's phone out of her hands and causing her to yelp, "Hey!"

"Hey!" Wally mocked as he began to search down the phone. "Who's Charlie?" He smirked. His eyebrows suddenly twitched together in recognition before he shook off the feeling. He began to scroll up and read the texts aloud, "Charlie says: Can't wait to see you again at school. Shame it was destroyed. Then you say: Yeah, really weird. He then asks you out and you say no became you have homework. That was on Halloween. Ha, you ditched him to come to hang out with us!" Wally sang.

"Give that back, you ginger!" Cyra asked, trying to jump to reach the phone that Wally dangled above her head.

Cyra flew up and caught his wrist. She struggled to wrestle the phone from his good hand as she tried flying backward, just taking Wally off his feet.

"Woah!" He exclaimed. Cyra smirked before she started to spin the two, Wally turning into a mere blur before he let go and fell onto his butt, eliciting a groan. Cyra was laughing as Wally got back up to his feet. Suddenly, he was right next to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "You're going to pay for that one," he promised as he began to squeeze her laughing form.

The elevator doors slid open and Artemis's voice cut through the air, "Glad your back, Zatanna. Does this mean you're officially joining the team?"

Wally instantly dropped Cyra, who slipped back and Wally just managed to grab her hand before her skull hit the ground and pull her back to her feet.

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