Bad Birls Do Bad Things

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*** mature content read at own risk******
I woke up that next morning, feeling woozy from all the drinking last night. Harry still lay by me sleeping. I move his arm from around my waist, then get up. I change into a pair of his sweats, and a kiss shirt of his. I hear him mumble something, as I shut the door. I went into the kitchen to make me some coffee.. Man do I love coffee... As I get myself some, I walk into the living room, and turning on the tv. I sat down on the couch watching a movie called The Shallows.. It looked pretty good so I continued watching it for awhile. I didn't realize Harry walked downstairs in the mean time, until I felt his lips on my neck. I jumped at the sudden connection, I felt him smile into the kiss. "Morning" he said groggily. "Morning" I answered
"What Ya got there"? He asked
"Coffee".. I said smiling just by saying the word. He just laughed.
I got up and sat my cup on the kitchen counter, going back over to Harry. He kissed me, then going down along my jaw line, to my neck. He grabbed the hem of my shirt looking up at me in approval. I nodded, so he could continue.
"Jump" he whispered into my ear, carrying me into our bedroom.

He laid me down onto the bed, as I stare up at the ceiling. I hear him unbuckle his pants, making my teeth bite my lower lip.. I look up at Harry as he climbs onto the mattress. His head hovers over mine. His bottom lip traces over my collarbone as his fingers brush up and down my thigh. His head tilts down and his lips touch mine. His hands cup my head, making it steady. His fingers touch my skin softly. His tongue emerges into my mouth making our kiss deeper. I feel our soft kiss change into a intimate make out session. His hands soon from from my cheeks and back onto my upper thigh. Harrys mouth travels off of mine and onto my neck. His lips suck on my skin gently. His fingers brush along my skin making me fall under his control. His big hand rests under my shorts making me smirk. He then tugs them down along with my underwear. I see his bulge grow in his boxers. His lips travel down my body. "You're soaking babe" I hear his voice deepen make me grow more damp. His 2 fingers brush along my entrance, making my chest rise quickly.
His thumb gently strokes my c.lit making me bite my lip, so I don't moan. I feel my mouth open in pleasure as he inserts his fingers in me, still drawing circles on my weak spot. "Does that feel good"? Harry looks at me. I nod as my teeth bite my lip harshly again. He looks into my eyes as he inserts his 2 fingers back into me. His movements slow. His pointer fingers goes into me making a moan leave my mouth.. "So wet for me" I hear him say. His empty hand reaches up and cups one of my breasts making it hard for me to concentrate. The pace of his fingers increase, making it hard for me not to moan. "Don't be afraid to moan babe". I hear Harry say. I looks down at him and he bites his lip. I rest my head back onto my pillow and let his fingers pleasure me. His thumb stops making circle and all I feel are his fingers thrusting in and out of me. My hands tug at the sheets as I feel him move his fingers faster. "H-Harry slow down" I moan. I hear him chuckle as he quickens his pace. My hips rise in the air. His fingers leave me & he pulls down his boxers, stroking himself a few times. "You ready"?  I nod. I feel his tip go inside me then back out. He opens my legs wider and presses my hips down. He quickly inserts himself in me making  me moan. His pace quickens and his fingers dig into my skin. "Uh fu-fuck Harry" I mutter. Harry leans down and kisses my neck. He pulls out and flips me over onto my stomach. His hands move me to wear he wants me, and his hands grip my butt. His goes back into me making my eyes shut and hands grip the sheets. He thrusts himself so fast inside me. He presses his front into me making me squirm at how all of him is inside me. I hear him moan at all the pleasure. His hand intertwined with mine keeping his movements slow. I move back into him and he moans again.. "Yes fuck Alyssa" his hands grip onto my waist tighter. I swirl my hips around his dick. "Keep going I'm gonna cum" he says. I continue doing this as harry's thumb runs my making me climax as he does the same. He pulls out and we lay down beside each other, falling asleep..

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