7 Months Strong

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****6 months later****

Eli and I have now been together for 7 months. We both decided that we will just go out to dinner tomorrow night, to celebrate. I got Eli a few new snapbacks, and a watch he really wanted.


7 months, wow.. I love her so much. I got Madeline a few things for our date tomorrow. She had told me when we started dating that she had been doing soccer trick shot stuff for the past couple years. I got her a new Nike Soccer Ball, a pair of nice Nike shoes, shirt and shorts too. I also got her a promise ring. I think she is going to love it.

I was getting ready for bed, but I couldn't fall asleep cause I kept thinking about tomorrow

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I was getting ready for bed, but I couldn't fall asleep cause I kept thinking about tomorrow.


Trying to fall asleep is impossible for me, All I keep thinking about is Eli. I got up and snuck into my mom and dads room, they were still up. They heard me open the door, "what wrong Maddie"? My mom asked. I huffed and said "I can't sleep". They scooted over and my mom motioned me over to come sit down. I crawled in between them and we all talked for awhile. "It'll all be good, I promise" my dad told me. I fell asleep between them on accident.
I woke up that next morning and quietly got out of their bed. I went to get ready seeing it was almost 1:00 and Eli would be here about 2. I went into my closet and picked out and outfit for today, Eli texted me telling me to dress nice.

 I went into my closet and picked out and outfit for today, Eli texted me telling me to dress nice

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I did my makeup and hair, then pulled on the dress, I did one last check in front of the mirror. My mom and dad were waiting downstairs for me, as I stepped down off the stairs my mom got a little teary eyed. She came over and hugged me saying how pretty I looked. My dad walked over and kissed my forehead saying I looked beautiful. The gate bell rang so my mom let Eli inside. "Hurry up and go to your room"! She said pushing me along. I heard the door open and Eli and my dad start talking. "I'll go get Madeline" I heard my mom say. She knocked on my door, as I looked down the stairs I saw Eli's back turned away from me. I quietly snuck downstairs and put my hands over his eyes "guess who"? I said. "Hmmm I don't know.. Is it My amazing girlfriend Maddie"? He turned around and saw me, his mouth dropped open. He moved closer to me, and moved my hair out of my face. His forehead rested on mine as he smiled. "Let's get going shall we"? He asked. We left and said goodbye to my parents. We pulled up to a restaurant and went inside. "Reservation for Elijah"? "Right this way" and he led us to our table. It was a little secluded area with no other people around. I brought a bag in and so did Eli. We already ordered or food and drinks. I started out with giving Eli his presents. He saw the watch and got up to kiss me. "Babe this is too expensive, you didn't need to-" "shh it is fine" I told him. He gave me my first set of presents, which was a new Nike soccer ball, and clothes. "Now here is the second one". He grabbed my hand and led me to the middle of the room. He reached into his pocket and grabbed a little felt box, and opened it revealing a heart promise ring. I started crying and he hugged me slipping it on my finger. I looked up at him and he kissed me.
We got our food and ate it. Once we were done we left to his house. I had met his parents once before, but never really talked to them. We pulled up into his driveway and we got out of the car, his parents were not home, tonight. We sat on the couch watching tv for awhile, when I felt his hand rest on my upper thigh. I started getting a little nervous so I moved around a bit. He lifted his hand them set it right back down where it was before. One thing led to another and pretty soon we were making out on the couch, "let's go up to my room yeah"? He asked and I nodded.

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