I Think Its Time

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Alyssa was fast asleep, I couldn't get any asleep all I kept thinking about was Evelyn. Every time I would close my eyes another thought about Alyssa or the baby would pop into my mind.
I was thinking different combinations of which they way Evelyn would look, when I felt dampness beneath me. I looked under the sheets to see it was coming from Alyssa. "Alyssa baby" I shook her awake feeling so terrible for doing that. I figured at the time she had an accident because in her defense she couldn't control it. Her eyes shot open, then quickly closed with what was probably pain.. Pain?
"Alyssa baby, what's wrong"? Worry swallowing me taking over my whole body.
"Agh, ow" she cried out clutching her stomach in pain as tears started rolling down her cheeks. "H-Harry I think my water broke". She said continuing to clutch her stomach. I popped out of bed running to grab the nursery bag we had ready for this. I ran back in to her sitting on the edge of our bed tears staining her rosy cheeks. The bag was over my Shoulder in an instant as I ran over and picked her up as if she weighed nothing. Putting her in the car was difficult cause she was in to much pain to sit straight up, I reclined the seat backwards for her. The car ride was short consisting of me reassuring her and her constant contractions and screams of pain. "We have a room reserved for Harry styles". I said to the women at a front desk. A nurse came out and put Alyssa in a wheelchair and brought us to a private room. When we finally arrived at our room, Alyssa let out another shriek causing my heart to ache for her. I felt so bad doing this to her, and putting her through this pain. The thoughts were forgotten when the nurses and I had to put her into a hospital gown before the doctor came running into give her medicine.. "This will minimize the pain Mrs. Styles. Are you okay with that"? He asked getting her permission to do so.  "Yes, oh my god, please hurry up, it hurts" she kept yelling and crying gripping the bed handle with her left hand, and my hand with her right hand.  As the doctor inserted the medication, her cries slowly calmed, down little by little slowly taking the pain away.
A minute later when she was calmed down, the doctor said "we're going to check how dilated you are" before lifting her legs and adjusting them at her sides.
'Hey that's mine, he shouldn't be seeing that'
Jealousy took over me until I realized he is probably in his 60's and sees plenty in a day. "Harry" I hear her whisper beside me. She squeezed my hand very tightly before releasing. I sat up in my chair and leaned over to kiss her forehead. "It'll  be okay baby, I love you" I smiled down at her pecking her lips. "Alright you are about 8 centimeters dilated, you'll be ready in about an hour or so". Before exiting the room leaving Alyssa and I alone.
45 minutes later
"Harry, ow-holy shit"  Alyssa shouted loudly. For the past half hour I've been calming her down through pains.  "Baby. Tell me what's wrong" I told, her. "Th-the baby I think she's coming" she said breathlessly. Holding her left hand I press the emergency button with my right hand. 
Not even 2 seconds later she let out an ear piercing scream, then the doors busted open with the doctor and 2 nurses. They got everything ready and was having Alyssa starts to push. "Alright we need one mighty big push" he said encouraging her. I felt Alyssa squeeze my hand as she pushed with all the strength she had left. "Great job, keep pushing" he told her, holding her legs apart. "Ahhhh my f-fucking God, Harry" she screamed. "You are never touching me again you bitch" she yelled "I see a head" he yelled. "This is the hardest part, the shoulders you need 2 huge pushes the rest are easy" he said. Alyssa turned her face towards me her face scrunched up in pain my hand being held the tightest she had her, signaling she pushed. "I fucking hate you Harry" she screamed. "Good job the shoulders are out" he said, "come on baby" I said encouraging her again.  I pecked her cheek as she screamed out in pain one last time as she gave her final push. "Mr. Styles would you like to cut the umbilical cord"? The doctor asked looking up at me. I nodded and pecked Alyssa's lips before going to the edge of the bed to see the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. As I cut the cord I realized that my baby girl was healthy, and looked so cute. So tiny. The room was filled with screams from her as she was taken by nurses to be cleaned up. "Would you like to meet your baby girl"? The nurse smiled setting her in Alyssa's arms. The moment she was placed in her hands Evelyn's cries stopped. I leaned into my beautiful wife and admired our little baby girl. She looked up at me and smiled that's when I saw her dimples. Her small body wrapped in a pink blanket as Alyssa handed me my little baby girl.
Evelyn Anne Styles. Born February 5th 2017 at 3:48 am.
"I love you" I whispered as tears rolled down my face and I was taking what just happened. My baby was finally here, I was a daddy again. "You're gonna be a great daddy" Alyssa smiled at me, before closing her eyes needing some well deserved sleep.  I leaned my recliner back, closing my eyes falling asleep with my baby girl on my chest. I asked the nurse to take a picture and she did, then leaving  us alone to be with our baby. I posted it on Twitter and Instagram, saying "@AlyssaJohnson and I have just welcomed our new baby girl Evelyn Anne Styles at 3:48 am on February 5th. So blessed to be able to have another girl, with my soon to be wife. I love them so very much, All The Love -H." Then clicked post Falling asleep

" Then clicked post Falling asleep

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