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I woke up to me practically laying on top of Eli. His soft snores, were heard as I got up to get in the shower. As I was showering I heard the door open, so I peeked my head out and Eli was in here. "Eli get out"! I yelled. "Calm down, babe, nothing I haven't seen before".. He winked at me, "I don't care, get out" I told him. He rolled his eyes and left, probably laying back down. I finished all of my stuff and walked out wrapping myself in a towel. Eli whistled behind me. I picked out my, yellow lacy thong and bra. Going into the bathroom to change. I walked out again and Eli sat up walking over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and kissed my neck pulling me against him.

I turned around and let him continue kissing me, and his hands running all over my body

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I turned around and let him continue kissing me, and his hands running all over my body. I moaned as his hands went down and gripped me bum. He led me over to my bed and laid me down, taking his shirt off. Then he slowly unbuckled his pants, pulling them down leaving him in just his boxers. I myself honestly didn't know if i was ready for this again. From what happened last time, I was nervous now. As if reading my mind Eli said "don't worry babe I have condoms now" I nodded. He leaned above me and started kissing me from my lips, to my jaw, neck, chest, stomach, then stopped right above my waistband of my thong. He looked up in approval, and I nodded. He pulled my thong down, then reached into my bedside table drawer for a condom.
"Spread your legs, baby" he said.. I spread them out as he pulled my body closer to his face. He reached inside and started touching my folds. I gasped at his movements, but I didn't want him to stop. I watched as he bit down on his lip as he studied my private area. He then ran his index finger over my c.lit and my hips bucked and the sudden action. "S-sorry'' I said. "You want me to do that again"? I nodded biting my lip. He did it again this time not stopping. He rubbed his finger all over my c.lit faster, and pressing down harder. "O-oh my god" I moaned, this felt amazing. "F.uck Madeline, oh god you don't know what you do to me" he rasped as his eyes still studied my area as he kept working his fingers in and out of me. After he pulled his fingers out, he wasted no time and he was in between my thighs. "Oh Eli, oh that feels so good" I moaned out as his tongue was licking up and down my c.lit. He moaned against me, making my body jerk up. "You look amazing baby girl" he said looking up at me. His hands then lifted my legs up and spread my cheeks apart. Eli licked from my hole to my c.lit over and over. I moaned as I reached out to pull on his hair. "Oh- god, Eli don't s-stop I'm so close" I said practically screaming. He continued licking and sucking and biting me. "Oh Eli, oh my god, f.uck". I said as I came and his tongue darted in and out of my entrance.
"You look so gorgeous when you orgasm, babe" he said and I blushed. He pulled me up and off the bed, so I kneeled on the floor with him in front of me. I tugged down his boxers, and his length spring out. I quickly grabbed him and started pumping, and spread his juices around. After a bit, I opened my mouth and slowly put him in. "C'mon baby, go all they way I know you can" he said encouraging me. I slowly took him all the way down, and he was completely in my mouth. I looked up at him. His eyes were shut and his mouth open. "Oh my god Maddie! You look so good with your mouth stretched over me" I kept on bobbing my head, he felt tense, probably almost ready to cum. I sped up my movements, until he started yelling. "F.uck f.uck oh my god" he tried not yelling to much louder or my parents would hear. One more pump and he came into my mouth and I swallowed. He stood me up and one hand grabbed my breast and pinched at my nipple. I moaned and he stopped. "Go on over to the bed and bend over it" he said and reached under my bed to grab something, that I had no idea was down there.  As I lay bent over the bed, he said "since you like me eating you out so much, why don't we try a butt plug, just once" he said and I nodded. "I think you'll like it baby" he Said. I felt his fingers spread my cheeks and him spit at my hole. I jerked up. "Maddie, relax baby" he told me as his fingers spread his spit around. "Ready? I'm putting my fingers in". He warned me and I nodded. Quite frankly I was scared, I didn't know what to expect. One finger entered me, and I stiffened up. "E-Eli" I spoke. He kept pushing in as I gripped my sheets harder. "Uh, oh it feels good" I moaned. Pretty soon he had 3 fingers in me slowly pumping them in and out. I moved my hips back and forth as he continued to pump. "I think you're ready, babe. I'm putting it in" he said I nodded and bit my lip as he slowly pushed it in. I couldn't help but let out a long moan. "Alright it's in" he said. "Alright lie back on the bed". I did and he got I between my legs as he finished putting in the condom. "Feel me baby" he said as he thrusted into me. My back immediately arched and I screamed out "oh my god yes, Eli oh yes" "do you want this fast and hard baby" he asked and i nodded up at him. His hips began to move faster, he lifted me up and brought his hips to mine. As I just lied there full of pleasure as he thrusted harder and harder. "I need you to cum, baby all over me" he told me "yes baby, okay" he went in and out, I felt so full my hike being filled with the butt plug and him thrusting in and out of me. My Pussy gave an amazing sensation as a tight feeling started building in my stomach. "Please don't stop, I'm going to cum all over you Eli" his fingers dug into my sides as he thrusted even harder than before completely giving it to me. I tightened up and my hips arched up off the bed. "Oh my, Eli yes oh f.uck" I yelled out as I orgasmed. "You're so tight Maddie, yes I'm cumming" he yelled as his hot liquids spilled into me. He gave me a kiss on the lips before pulling out. "C'mere, let me get the plug out of you. Bend over" he said as his fingers grabbed it and pulled it out in one quick motion. "Ow" I yelled. "What wrong"? "I hurt, now" I told him. "You'll feel better in a bit baby". He lifted me up and set me down carefully on the bed. Then he got in and snuggled up against me, his arm Around my waist and his hot breath fanning my neck. Just a sheet covering us both.

Alyssa and I were laying in bed as we both heard, yelling out In the hallway. We looked at each other for a minute, And waited. I heard Madeline yell something, but it didn't sound angry. "What the he-" I was saying as Alyssa interrupted me "they are having sex" she said, looking kinda mad. "Baby, you can't get mad, Eli is 18, and she is 17" I told her, "she was going to be doing this at some point in her life".
"Go tell them to stop or something, Evelyn doesn't need to hear that" she told me. I walked over to her door, and stood there for a minute.. Then I heard her say "Oh my god, Eli yes oh f.uck". I couldn't do is, she is an adult. I walked back to our room, and laid down. It didn't take long before the noises stopped. Alyssa and I fell asleep again, and woke up a couple hours later, around 11:00. Eli and Madeline were downstairs already, as we walked to the living room. "Morning, dad and mom" Maddie said. I tried so hard not to laugh. "Morning" we both said, and went to get coffee out if the kitchen. When we got there I burst out laughing, I was laughing so hard I started crying. Alyssa punched me in the arm, and said to stop. "I-I- oh my god I can't stop" I said laughing. Madeline and Eli walked into the kitchen. Eli sat down and Maddie sat on his lap. "So how'd you guys sleep" I asked, looking at Alyssa trying not to laugh again. "Pretty good, Why"? Maddie asked. "Oh nothing just wondering". I said. "O-okay" she said nervously. She looked st Eli, and started blushing. "Was there something you two wanted to tell us"? Alyssa asked. "N-no" Maddie said. "Oh well you sound pretty nervous, and we already know what you guys did" Alyssa said winking and walking out. "You're nasty mom" she yelled. "Oh well your dad was standing outside your door listening" she yelled back. "What the hell dad, oh my god , you're fucking nasty" I yelled at him, "watch your mouth" "maybe I would if my dad wouldn't stand outside my door, and listen to when my boyfriend and I are having sex"! I yelled. We both walked out of the kitchen and went up to my room, "let's go to the beach yeah"? "Yeah let's do that" I said.

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