Bad Girl

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"Styles"! I yelled walking into our house.
"Yeah babe what's up"? Harry yelled walking into our kitchen. "Nothing.. Just letting you know I'm home" I said winking and grabbing a beer out of the fridge.
I walked around the counter, and toward the living room. But Harry grabbed me by the waist and put me up against the wall. I took a sip of my beer, and shoved him out of the way. "Come watch tv with me". I told him. He came over and sat between my legs leaning against me. I started messing around with his hair, as he sighed and snuggled into me. A little bit later I heard soft snores coming from him.. A lot has changed these past couple years, I am 21 and Harry is 22. We finally bought our house, we're still the bad kids in town, who get into lots of trouble. I never thought I would end up with Harry, just plain out be a bad girl.. I was starting to get tired, so I closed my eyes, within 5 minutes I was asleep..
I woke to some voices, I recognized them as the rest of the boys., Harry never said they were coming over. "She was tired and fell asleep awhile ago" I heard Harry say. I turned over and got off the couch, I went over to the fridge and got a water. I walked over to where everyone else was, by the counter. Harry came over behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, then started kissing my neck. I put my head down and closed my eyes. "Oh c'mon get a room you two" Liam said. I flipped him off. "Alright we're gonna leave" the boys said. Harry turned me around and kissed me, he lifted me up and set me on the counter, sliding Between my legs. Harry and I have never actually done anything, he told me when I was ready, we would. "I'm gonna go get into the shower" I said getting off the counter and heading to the bathroom.

We stopped kissing, then Alyssa got off the counter, and said she was going to take a shower. I went over to the couch and sat down. I watched tv until Alyssa got out of the shower. She came downstairs about 40 minutes later, brushing her hair. Only wearing a bra and underwear. She sat down between my legs and asked if I would brush her hair. I took the brush and started brushing.. I finished a couple minutes later. She just leaned back and we started talking about random stuff. I kissed her forehead, she loves when I do that. "Let's go do something bad".. She said.. "Like what"? I asked
"I don't know.. Let's just go to a club, I like that idea".
She got up and got dressed, i was ready. So I waited for her. She came down, and damn did she look hot..

 She came down, and damn did she look hot

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(Instead of heels, she wore converse)

I walked downstairs and Harry was waiting for me. He walked up to me and whispered in my ear. "I don't want anyone hitting on you". "Don't worry I'm yours" I said back, and we left.

After club****
We got back home and we were both really drunk. We walked up to our bedroom, and got ready for bed, we are gonna have hangovers on the morning..  I layed down, and Harry took off his shirt and pants, then laid down next to me. We both eventually fell asleep. I was pretty tired from partying.

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