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I couldn't get it through my head, why when I told them to let me die. They didn't. I wanted them too. I told Eli to let me be, so I could sleep and he did. I laid awake thinking, that all I could do. Think. Anxiety. Eli came in and checked on me, asking if I wanted something to drink or eat. I shook my head no, and he asked if I wanted to go downstairs. I thought about it for a minute, he looked a little sad. I slowly got up careful of my arm and we walked down together. Evelyn's head snapped up toward me, and she ran to hug me, while she was crying. I sat us down on the stairs, as we both cried. We hugged for a good 10 minutes. "I love you" I whispered to her and she said "I love you too" back. "Evelyn why don't you go upstairs for awhile" my dad said to her and she left. My dad helped me up and we went over to the couch. "Listen" my mom started. "Why don't we, meaning us, go find someone you can talk to, about your anxiety". She told me. I think about it, and I really didn't want to talk to someone about my problems. But to make my mom happy I nodded my head. "Yeah, I'll do it" I said. She looked surprised, that I said yes. "We'll find someone later" I nodded. It was silent for awhile. "I'm sorry" I blurted out. Everyone was shocked I said something. "Y-you don't have to be sorry, Maddie" my mom said, my dad adding to that nodded a yes "it's okay, it was just how you felt, and yeah, You shouldn't have taken it out on yourself like that".. Eli came over to me and kneeled down in front of me. We looked each other in the eyes looking for something. Eli did that cocky little smirk, and I smiled back at him. Our lips met, and right then and there I felt complete again. We both pulled away, I pulled him up onto the couch, so he could lay with me. I turned so I was facing into his chest, as he wrapped his arms around me and held me close. I fell asleep to his steady breathing.


I'm glad Madeline found Eli. He treats her like she's the queen. I got up after they fell asleep and took a picture on Instagram.

 I got up after they fell asleep and took a picture on Instagram

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Thank you @Elijah_Gibson for taking care of my daughter.

I smiled, walking away, to let them sleep.

****** Maddie

No, stop. Please stop. I yelled. Leave me alone, don't do that, please stop! I sat up, breathing heavy. Eli looked shocked. I was breathing heavy looking around. "What's wrong baby"? Eli asked. "N-nothing" I told him. He pulled me back into his arms, and I couldn't fall asleep again. I pulled out my phone and went onto snapchat. I took a picture of me and Eli, with the dog filter on. 'Babe is sleeping😍😭'.. I smiled and tried my hardest to fall asleep. Nothing worked. I slowly slipped out of his grip and walked down the hall to my music studio. I opened the door, and let out a long sigh. "It's been a while since I've been in here" I told my self. I sat down on the mini couch, and grabbed my old writing book. I noticed an unfinished song, so I looked through the lyrics.

Yeah yeah yeah..

So, so you made a lot of mistakes
Walked down the road a little sideways
Cracked a brick when you hit the wall
Yeah, you've had a pocket full of regrets
Pull you down faster than a sunset
Hey, it happens to us all

When the cold hard rain just won't quit
And you can't see your way out of it

You find your faith has been lost and shaken
You take back what's been taken
Get on your knees and dig down deep
You can do what you think is impossible
Keep on believing, don't give in
It'll come and make you whole again
It always will, it always does
Love is unstoppable

I re-read the lyrics over and over. I grabbed a pencil, and thought for a minute. I started writing more.

Love, it can wear the ring of stone
Bring you back to being born again
oh, it's a helping hand when you need it most
A lighthouse shining on the coast
That never goes dim

When your heart is full of doubt
And you think that there's no way out

You find your faith has been lost and shaken
You take back what's been taken
Get on your knees and dig down deep
You can do what you think is impossible
Keep on believing, don't give in
It'll come and make you whole again
It always will, it always does
Love is unstoppable

Like a river keeps on rolling
Like the north wind blowing
Don't it feel good knowing

You find your faith has been lost and shaken
You take back what's been taken
Get on your knees and dig down deep
You can do what you think is impossible
Keep on believing, don't give in
It'll come and make you whole again
It always will, it always does
Love is unstoppable

Love is unstoppable
So you made a lot of mistakes
Walked down the road a little sideways
Love, love is unstoppable..
(Unstoppable by Rascal Flatts)
About 45 minutes later I had my finished song. I put the title as Unstoppable.
In my studio, I have, my own sound booth, drums, guitars, microphones, violins, piano, etc. I'm going to make the music for this too, I thought. I started recording with my violin. Then moved onto everything else when I finished the last. The last part was putting it all together. I logged into my computer, and went to my editor. I put the parts together and listened to the whole thing. Once that was done I hooked it up and recorded my vocals. "Love is unstoppable"--- I sang out the last part. I took my headphones off and put the vocals with the music and listened to it. I'm pretty good. Just then there was a knock on the door. I looked up and saw my mom. I waved her in, she opened the door and closed it sitting down. "What ya doing"? She asked me. "Making a song" I said smiling. "Let's hear it"? She asked. "Nope, not until everyone else is in here" I said going out into the hallway and yelled for the boys and Evelyn. They came running in, with Louis Niall, and Liam. I hugged them all. "I wrote another song" I said excitedly. "That's awesome" everyone said clapping. "Let's hear it now" Liam said. I turned around and pressed play, waiting for their reactions. My dad looked surprised. My mom had tears in her eyes. Liam was astonished. Niall was clapping. Louis got up and hugged me. Evelyn, was clapping with Niall. Eli was really excited, he got up and kissed me. I smiled against him and hugged him putting my face in the crook of his neck. He whispered "i love you" in my ear. as did I. I was happy everyone liked it. "You should keep writing more, girl" Louis said. I smiled and nodded my head.

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