Beach Days

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Eli and I both called some friends and we went to the beach for a couple hours. I picked out a cute swimsuit and put it on, then putting a shirt and shorts on over the suit

 I picked out a cute swimsuit and put it on, then putting a shirt and shorts on over the suit

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We pulled up to the beach, and our friends were already there. My 2, and Eli's 2!
Brooklyn and Jordyn were my 2 best friends in the world. Eli's friends were, Grayson, and Lucas.

We were having lots of fun messing around

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We were having lots of fun messing around. We went cliff jumping, and swam. Me, Jordyn, and Brooklyn tanned too. Like who goes to the beach and doesn't tan.
Yeah I don't know who does that. "Hey lets go to the cliffs"! Eli said, "oh come on, we're tanning. You guys can go" I told the boys. We didn't get an answer instead Eli, picked me up. Grayson picked up Brooklyn. And Lucas picked up Jordyn. They started running towards the water. "No Eli don't, stop. Don't baby please" I said looking at him. He was already waist deep in the water. He faked dropping me. "What are you gonna do if I drop you"? He said repeating his past actions. I sat up in his hold and wrapped my legs around his waist, and hugged him tightly. I heard two screams and a big splash, signaling my friends were dropped into the water. "Oh just do it already" Lucas yelled. "Fight me Lucas" I said flipping him off. "Hold your breath" Eli said then dove under the water. I got out of his hold and swam up. "You're an asshole" I said laughing, "oh you love me" he said standing us up, leaning into me, and Kissing my lips.

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