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Well Harry and I have been together a little over a year now. I'm getting back into singing again, so are the One Direction boys🙂. Madeline is now 2 years and 5 months old. I'm planning a tour, 'Alyssa Johnson, Love Me Or Leave Me Tour'! And of course One Direction will tag along! I'm with my management team planning this out, like how long this is gonna be, what set list I will have, etc. "I'll just do my whole album. Then we can figure out the order of the songs" I told one guy, Mike. "Alright" he said nodding his head. After we finished I left &, and got into my car to go see Harry and Madeline at a restaurant for lunch. Harry told me to dress up, so of course I did, and he surprised me with my favorite restaurant.

 Harry told me to dress up, so of course I did, and he surprised me with my favorite restaurant

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I pulled up at the restaurant, with my security guard driving behind me. There are always fans everywhere. I parked next to Harry, and he was putting Madeline's stroller in the car after getting her diaper bag out.

 I walked over to him and gave him a kiss

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I walked over to him and gave him a kiss. "You look beautiful baby" he said after pulling away. "And you look handsome" I said. I grabbed Madeline from one of the security guards, and Harry, Maddie, and I walked into the diner. We sat down and a waiter came over to take our orders. "What can I start you off to drink with"? She asked. "Can we get her a apple juice & I will get a coke no ice? Harry asked "of course" she smiled writing that down. Madeline started blabbering stuff to the waiter, and she laughed. "What can I get you dear"? She asked me politely. "Just an ice water" I told her "alright those will be right out. She walked away, so Harry and I started talking and looking at the menu. "How was planning for the tour"? He asked. "Pretty good, a lot of planning" I said smiling. "Oh yeah, you and the boys are joining me on the tour" I said.. "Really"?! "Babe that's awesome" he said
Switching the subject he asked what I was getting. I told I was getting a salad. He laughed because he 'should have already known that' that's all I ever order. I absolutely love salads. "Sorry for the wait guys" the waiter said setting our drinks down. "You guys ready to order"? We nodded, so I ordered first. "I am going to get your Caesar Salad" I told her. "What kind of dressing"? "Umm French please" I told her. "And for your side, baked potato, soup, or breadstick"? "Oh, I'll take a breadstick" I said, and she went off to order Harry's and Maddy's.. I told Harry quickly I was going to the restroom. I got up and went bathroom.. "Shit.. I was supposed to have my period sometime this week".. I whispered to myself. I shook it off thinking it was probably late. I got back out there, sitting down. Harry asked what was wrong, I said it was nothing. Our food came awhile later, I got Maddy's cut up for her. Harry ordered her a eggs & a muffin. I ate my salad, Harry ate his, meal and Madeline ate most of hers. We paid and left a tip, then left to go home. My stylist told me to write down some clothes and outfits I want for the tour.
So I started on my list.
Snap backs
Stressed skinny jeans
Combat boots
Nike shoes, shorts, shirts, jackets
Under Armour shorts, and shirts
Basketball shorts
Sweats, and sweatshirts
Sporty clothes
Plaids and flannels
Plain black shirts.

That was my list I had. I was surprising my fans by doing a couple acoustic songs. I thought they would like that. I emailed my stuff to management and they said the tour starts in 1 week, and my plane leaves for my first show that morning at 4:30 am. Ugh great, that's too early. My first show is in Los Angeles, CA. I let Harry know, everything the rest of the boys knew already.

1 week later 3:30 am*
It's to early I groaned rolling over to shut my alarm off, I woke up Harry, then Went to get ready. Madeline is going to be at Harrys mums, with Gemma for the tour. After I was done getting ready Harry already had the bags out in the car, and was ready. We jumped into the car and left at 4:00 to get to the airport. About half hour later we were on the plane to California with the rest of the boys.

It was pretty early when we got on the private plane. Alyssa and I sat down in our seats, and she fell asleep with her head in my lap. She looked so peaceful sleeping. I took a pic and posted it on Instagram 'Alyssa is very tired. Can't wait to see all of you guys at her shows! All the love H.' I shut my phone off and fell asleep stroking her hair. Her security guard woke us all up, except It didn't work for Alyssa. She is a heavy sleeper! I shook her, "Alyssa. Wake up. Wakeeee upppp" I said. She told me to shut up😂 well that failed. She finally got up and we went to he hotel to get ready for her first show. She had no clue I had the biggest surprise for her in the world. Her mum was gonna be there, my mum and Gemma, Madeline. And for the big part I'm proposing.

At arena** Alyssa
I am getting pretty nervous. They boys are doing the opening show. It was funny to see Harry. Harry called me out on stage for their last song, I Want To Write You A Song.
They started singing, and Harry sat me down in a chair, and pointed out to he crowd. Anne, Madeline, my mum, and Gemma were all there. I smiled and waved. Madeline waved back laughing. The end of the song, was Nialls part, but before was Harrys. "And Ohhhh everything i need I get from you.. Ohhhhh giving back Is all I want to do" he sang to me. (Niall): I want to write you a song. One to make your heart remember me, so anytime I'm gone you can listen to my voice and sing along.. I want to write you a song, I want to write you a song".. I knew that was the end but the music kept playing and I asked Harry what they were doing. He started singing, "Ohhh" he got down on one knee.. I gasped. "I want you to marry me, so I can tell everyone you're mine" he smiled and held out a ring. "Oh my god Harry" I said breathless. "Will you marry me Alyssa"?
"Yes.. Yes I'll marry you harry"! I said. He slid the ring on my finger and pulled me up to kiss me. After the kiss I grabbed the microphone and said "I have a surprise for Harry, the fans, my parents, and the boys. Harry Edward Styles. Sit in the chair will you". (The fans started laughing) I stood in front of the chair as it was facing sideways so the crowd could see. I grabbed Harrys hand and held it. "Now mr. Styles, I know for a fact your going to love this surprise. But it's funny right now cause you look confused" I said laughing. I laid his hand on my stomach, "you can welcome our new little girl Darcy Anne Styles in February". He was speechless. And he started crying. I wiped his tears, and he kept his hand on my stomach. "You-you're pregnant"? He said. I nodded, smiling as he jumped up and kissed me. He kneeled down on the stage and kissed my stomach in front of thousands of people. I really do love him. "I love you so much Alyssa Styles" he said. "And I love you more Mr. Styles".

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