Concert Time

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The boys left the stage, and I got my microphone to start singing. I started off with, Shout Out To My Ex. "This is a shout out to my ex, heard he in love with some other chick. Yeah yeah that hurt me I'll admit. Forget that boy I'm over it, I hope she getting better sex. Hope she ain't faking it like I did babe. Took 4 long years to call it quits, forget that boy I'm over it. Guess I should say thank you for the hate yous and the tattoos, oh baby I'm cool by the way.. Ain't sure I love you anyway. Go ahead babe I'mma live my life, my life"..
Then on to Love a Me or Leave Me (acoustic) and so on. I finished all my songs, and thanked the fans for coming. I walked backstage and ran into Harrys arms. "You did such a great job baby" he said kissing me on the lips. "I was so nervous, harry" I told him. "You sounded amazing, love" Louis shouted from somewhere. "Thank you louis"! I yelled back. "I love you so so much Alyssa" Harry said. "Whoa big guy, remember I'm pregnant". I told him. "Aw I can't wait to have another baby with you" he told me. "We only have until February" I said reassuring him. "But I don't want to go through all that pain again.. It was horrible, and hurt like a b.itch" I said sadly. "I'll be by your side this time". He then kissed me. We got back to our hotel, Harry and I sharing a room, Louis and Niall, then Liam sharing one.. Harry and I laid down on our bed, and I snuggled into him, and he wrapped his arms around me. It wasn't too late, probably 7:00 pm or something, when I fell asleep after harry started singing Little Things to me.

Alyssa fell asleep while I was singing Little Things to her. I had to grab my phone and take a picture of her, sleeping. I captioned it "thank you all for such a wonderful show! Alyssa says you all were amazing and so loud. All the love H." I posted it and shut my phone off, falling asleep along with my soon to be wife. My eyes fluttered open to Alyssa puking in the bathroom. I jumped up and ran to her, but she had the door locked so I knocked. "Alyssa what's wrong"?? "Babe answer me" I said but got cut off by more puking. "It's morning sickness". *puking* "babe unlock the door'' I told her. No answer. I grabbed a Bobby pin from the Bedside table and unlocked the door, she looked so sick. She sat on the floor her head in the toilet, crying. "I don't want to go through this again, Harry" she told me crying I shook my head and sat down next to her, stroking her back.. "Don't say that babe. It'll all be worth it in the end" I said "just think we'll have another Styles running around our house, 2 baby girls". I told her again. She got up and went get ibuprofen, grabbed a glass of water and swallowed the pill. I walked over to her, and wrapped my arms around her, "do you want something to eat"? She shook her head. I still figured she should have something, so I threw on a shirt and pants, then walked to the breakfast bar. I grabbed some foods she liked and brought it to the room. She smiled when I walked into the room I set the food down and brought her a yogurt and granola. She opened it up poured the granola in and mixed it up. I handed her a spoon too, she grabbed some and as soon as she smelt it she was by the toilet puking again. "I'm sorry baby" I said putting her hair in a ponytail. I didn't know girls went through this in pregnancy. I felt bad for her.

I hate morning sickness. It sucks. Yes, I want another baby with Harry, but the stuff I have to go through is horrible. He tries to understand, but he doesn't know the pain. I give him credit for doing everything thing he can to help me.

**Forward 16 weeks***
I am now 17 weeks pregnant, I got a pretty big bump. Harry and I stood In front of a mirror in our new hotel room. He stood behind me, arms around my waist and hands in the shape of a heart, and him kissing my neck in one of them. The next was the same except he actually looked at the camera. We did a few more where he was kneeling in the floor, with my shirt lifted up, he kissed my stomach, & I put my hand in his hair. I made a collage and put them on Instagram. I instantly got lots of likes, and comments. I out the collage in Twitter too. Captioning them both "I'm now 17 weeks pregnant, with our beautiful baby girl Evelyn Anne Styles. Can't wait to welcome her in February. @harrystyles" Harry wanted to switch the name, instead of Darcy, it's now Evelyn! I just wanted Harry to be happy with the name so he chose. It's hard to say to yourself I'm actually pregnant.. Food on the other hand now, ew. I can't even get a glimpse of it, with out puking. Hopefully is will be over soon.

***32 weeks along***
I'm going in for my next appointment, I have had to stop the tour until a year after the baby comes. Harry and I holding hands go and get me checked in, then sit in the waiting room. The morning sickness is now gone, which I am glad for. The other day, I was home alone, and Harry comes back from work with 3 cans of frosting, chocolates, and bunch other kinds of candys. He really is the best, then after I ate the frosting some candy I felt really fat, and was sad that I ate all of that, so Harry did the same to make me feel better. He really is amazing, I love him. "Alyssa Johnson"? The receptionist called. I stood up and walked over to her, then she led us to a room. She started asking all her questions and filling things out. "The doctor will be in here in a few minutes" she said walking out. *knock knock* the doctor walks in**
"Hello Alyssa, and Harry" he said and we answered.
"Alright so, this is your second child, yes"? He asked.
"Yeah it is" I answered.
"Alright we are going to have you get up on to the examining table" he said. Harry got up and helped me up, standing by my side after. The doctor started feeling around my stomach and did his stuff. One spot he touched really hurt and I jumped when he pressed there. Harry grabbed my hand and told me to relax. He got an ultrasound cart and put the cold gel on my stomach. He spread it around and started moving the camera, showing us the baby. Harry was in awe, with how she looked. "Babe look at her" Harry said. "Yes babe I see" I said laughing. "It looks like your going be due February 4th, that maybe a bit early" he said. He cleaned me up, and got his stuff and left. I sat up with Harrys help, and kissed him.

***34 weeks along***
Within a couple weeks I should be due, I am nervous and always anxious. Harry helps me with a lot of stuff around the house now, which is really good. We finished her nursery, it is a cream color, with giraffes, all over the walls.

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