Oh boy.

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Time flies. That's all I gotta say, in the blink of an eye my first daughter is already 15. Madeline will be starting her permit classes tomorrow afternoon. I can't believe she is going to be driving.
"Hey mom, can I talk to you for a minute in my room"? Madeline asks. Right now Harry and I were watching The Originals. I paused the movie and walked upstairs with her. "What up"? I ask her as we sit down on her bed I can tell she looks nervous. "I-I have a boyfriend" she said. "Baby that's awesome, what's his name"? I asked her. "Elijah". She told me. Before I could say a thing she quickly said "but please don't tell dad". "You're going to have too at some point, might as well get it over with. How long have you 2 been together ". I told her. "Next Thursday is our 3 weeks together" she said. "He wants to take me out, and go to dinner". "How old is he"? I question. "16"..
"I want to meet him, but right now we are going to go tell your father. I can't promise he will not get mad, but I will be down there" I nodded telling her.
We both walked downstairs and sat on the couch. "Harry" I said "your daughter has to tell you something, and I will tell you right now. You will not get mad, you will not do anything stupid either" I said. He nodded, for Madeline to tell him. She looked up at me nervous, I nodded for her to go on. " dad I have a boyfriend" she said really fast then got up from the couch waiting for his reaction. Harry was shocked, he looked a little angry. "A boyfriend? Or a boy-friend" he asked. "Dating" she said. "His name"?
"Elijah" she said and picked nervously at her nails. "How long" I could tell he was getting more angry, "next Thursday is 3 weeks".. "How old"? "16"
"Please don't be mad, that's why I didn't say anything because I didn't know if we were going to be together for awhile".
Harry nodded, "I wanna meet this boy.. Tell him to come over for dinner". Harry told her. "Call him now"? She asked. "Yeah"
She grabbed her cell phone and dialed his number quickly. "Hey babe, what's up" he answered into the phone. "Nothing, can you come over for dinner tonight? At my place"? She asked. "Yeah I can, what time"? Harry was sitting with his head in his hands and I smacked him. "Um 5:00" she said, then they said bye. "What the hell was that for Alyssa"? "You can't be angry that our daughter is growing up". I said. In the meantime madeline got up to go get ready seeing as it was 4:15. She texted Elijah the address, and he said he would be there. I walked upstairs and knocked on Madeline's door, she opened it and let me inside. "Your father actually handled that really well" I told her. "He is gonna see me, and think 'wow them tattoos" I said honestly. "Yeah I figured" she told me walking into her closet finding some if to wear.

She pulled this out, I nodded approvingly and walked back downstairs to see Harry still on the couch

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She pulled this out, I nodded approvingly and walked back downstairs to see Harry still on the couch. I kneeled down in front of him, and lifted his head up. "I don't want her to grow up" he said. "Me too, but just think if this boy makes her happy, then we will be happy" i told  him. Just then the gate bell rang, I got up and looked at the security camera, Madeline came running downstairs and saw it was him. I pressed the access button so he could come inside. He parked his car, and Madeline went running out, jumped up and hugged him. She let go, and they quickly kissed. Elijah walked inside and took his shoes off, saying hello to me and Harry. "Hi, Mr. & Mrs. Styles" he said kindly. "Oh please call me Alyssa, and that's Harry". Harry got up and shook Eli's hand, I could tell he was nervous. Obviously cause he was meeting his girlfriends parents.

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