1 year later

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"Niall Horan in a special interview up next on One Direction's break" the interviewer said. I remember that name I thought, right now I was sitting on my couch feeding my 8 month old daughter Madeline Marie Styles. I got lost in some thought then snapped back out when I heard the tv. "Yeah we will definitely be coming back, for sure. It'd be silly not to". "There ya have it Directioners one direction will be back".
"Yeah Harry, Liam, Louis & I are just exploring our own things right now. But don't worry we will be back"!
Harry... Harry? Oh god, Harry is that him? I thought. I finished feeding Madeline and put her In her  crib to sleep. Being a single mother is really hard. I took my phone and googled One Direction.. Sure enough Niall Louis Liam... And Harry Styles, yes the one I was dating. Up came a video of them in an interview with Seventeen.com. I clicked on it to watch it. The interviewer asked some question then it got to girlfriends.. "Who have you dated in the past Harry"? She asked. "Um well I had a girlfriend of almost 3 years.. Her name was Alyssa".. -- "as in Alyssa Johnson"?? The interviewer asked. "Yeah.. I know I that what I did was wrong, and Alyssa if you're watching this, I'm really really sorry. I've changed I'm a new man. I miss you. So. So. Much.. I know you probably won't see this, but if you are, I love you and need you" he said crying a little. "Did you know she won the 6th series of the X-Factor UK? She is a singer now, with 1 album out"..
"Really? I didn't know that" Harry said

No one knows about Madeline, except for a couple people. "Well that's it folks thank you 1D for being here"!
I thought about it awhile, I miss Harry but what he did was horrible. He cheated on me. I couldn't believe it.

Madeline started crying so I picked her up, she likes car rides they help calm her down. So I buckled her up and drove around awhile. I stopped at a store when she was asleep. I got her out of the car, and of course.. Paparazzi showed up.. I covered her head and tried to get into the store. When I finally did, I bumped into someone. "Oh my bad sorry" I said reaching out to help them up. I looked at them and recognized their face.. Harry styles..
"Sorry it was--" "Alyssa"? I didn't have any words. "H-hi Harry"
"Yo-you have a baby"? "Yeah".. I said sighing.. Then I murmured "your baby"
"What"?! He asked surprised
"Yeah Harry.. It's your baby. You got me pregnant and then you cheated on me. The day I left was when I was coming home and found you in bed with another girl. That plastic bag I had? It had a pregnancy test in there that was positive". I said. He didn't say anything.. "Can I see her"? He asked after awhile.
I handed him Madeline. He started getting teary eyed. After a couple minutes I took her back and put her in a cart while she was still sleeping. I started crying, then Harry took me into his arms. "Im so sorry Alyssa" he whispered into my ear. I pulled away, and looked up at him.. "So I heard you have an album out yeah"? "Yeah" I smiled
"Let's go find it so I can see it"? I nodded.. We got to the music section of the store. He carried Madeline most of the way, he absolutely adored her. I found the album and handed it to him. He looked at the songs that were on there.

 He looked at the songs that were on there

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1) Shout Out To My Ex2) Love Me Or Leave Me 3) Love Me Like You4) Love Yourself5) Secret Love Song Ft

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1) Shout Out To My Ex
2) Love Me Or Leave Me
3) Love Me Like You
4) Love Yourself
5) Secret Love Song Ft.  Jason Derulo
6) Hair ft. Sean Paul
7) F.U
8) Salute
9) Oops ft. Charlie Puth
10) Touch
11) Black Magic
12) Love Me Like You Do "Fifty Shades Of Grey"

"Those sound pretty cool.. I will have to listen to them" he said smiling. "Yeah"
We walked back towards the front, he bought the album. We walked to my car, and he helped me put Madeline in her car seat. I thanked him and went to get in the drivers seat. I rolled the window down and he stood there, leaning against the door. "Hey listen, can I come over tonight"? "Yeah sure" I said. He went and got into his car, and followed me to my house. We both pulled into the driveway, and got out. He grabbed Madeline, and followed me inside. The baby was still sleeping so I put her in her crib, then walked back downstairs. Harry was looking at some of the pictures I had hanging on the wall. He asked a lot about Madeline.. And I answered. "When was she born"? "July 28 2017" I said.. "How old is she now"? "8 months".. He asked a couple more too. I grabbed my phone and went onto YouTube and asked which song Harry wanted to hear. He said "Love me or Leave Me" I pulled it up and it started playing. This is one of the few I have a music video for. "Before you say anything, yes I wrote the song about you".. He nodded his head.
For the rest of night we just talked, about everything. We just caught up with each other and everything that was going on in our lives these past couple years.
It was nice catching up with Harry. It was around 9:00 when I started getting tired, I told Harry I was going to check on Madeline. "I don't have a guest bedroom" I told Harry. The one that I did have is Madeline's room.
"You can sleep with me, just no nothing okay"? He nodded. I got him the stuff he needed for bed, and I put on my pjs, I looked into the mirror sighing. "I need to get rid of the baby fat" I huffed. "You look fine". Harry said from the door way. I shook my head and got into my bed as harry did the same. "What songs do you have music videos for"? Harry asked out of the blue. "Touch, Hair, Secret Love Song, Salute, Black Magic, Love me Like You, Like Me Like You Do & Shout Out To My Ex".
"Nice" he said
It was quiet after that, until we both fell asleep..

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