Just an accident

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My eyes softly opened when the sun shined through my curtains. I blinked several times to clear my view. I had completely forgot that Harry stayed here last night, until I heard his soft breaths while he was still sleeping. I was laying down just thinking before I heard Madeline start crying, so i got out of bed and went to get her from her crib. Her crying woke Harry up, and he came to see what was wrong. "Everything okay"? He asked from the doorway.. "She won't quit crying, I'm sorry she woke you up" I told him walking into the kitchen to get her a bottle. I handed Harry, Madeline while I got everything ready for her. It finished warming up so I took Madeline and started feeding her, she Finally calmed down. I laid her down in her crib for a nap. "Hey Alyssa? Can we talk"? Harry asked. "U-uh yeah what's up" I said. We walked into my living room to sit down. He didn't say anything for a minute. "I-I miss you, it's been so long Alyssa" he started saying "I can't do this anymore, ever since that day you walked out, i thought I would never see you again" he said. "And the reason you thought that was, because of the choice you made to be in bed with another girl, Harry" I said looking at him. "I wanna be here to protect you, and Madeline-" "you can't protect us from everything" I said. He looked up sadness in his eyes, "I can try"
"This is too soon Harry, y-you can't just want everything to be okay again. It takes time. You need it to be okay again, you bumped into me at a store. That was it, we talked, yeah we laughed but it just can't be that way right now.. I'm sorry" I said. I started crying, Harry tried reaching out to grab my hand, but I jumped back. "No, no I'm not falling for this again I can't. You hurt me so bad Harry" -- "I haven't dated a single guy since I left you, cause I couldn't trust boys. You made it that way, you slept with another girl. You said you loved me-" I said until Harry interrupted me.. "Don't you dare say I didn't love you Alyssa, don't. Cause you know damn well I did. Those 3 years of us together were amazing. I love you, and I still do. Nothing is ever gonna change between us". He said yelling. "Then why in the hell were you f.ucking  another girl Harry"? I said back. "Leave, Harry leave-" "fine I'm leaving" he said. He went towards Madeline's room. "Harry I said leave".trying to get him to get out of her room. I stopped when I heard him talking. "By princess, daddy loves you" he said kissing her forehead. And with that he left. Gone. Now I didn't know if I was ever gonna see him again or not. I picked up Madeline and brought her out to my car to bring her to my mums.
"Thank you mum I said handing her over. I tried not crying on the way here, so my she didn't ask any questions.. I got back into my car, and drove about half a mile, before the tears started pouring out. I couldn't see, because of the tears. All I remember was a loud horn honking before everything went black.
*beep beep beep*
I could hear voices. That's all. I couldn't open my eyes.
*"age 24, female, Alyssa Johnson. Badly injured in car crash. Mother of one."* was all I heard before I blacked out again. I wanted to open my eyes but I couldn't, it's like they were glued shut. I woke up to more beeping, but less voices. My eyes still closed. "I can't find any contact, of hers."
Then I'm assuming a nurse said, "that's Harry Styles girlfriend". No, no, no I thought I'm not dating Harry Styles.
I was driving back to mine and the boys' hotel when I received a call from a number. I didn't know who it was, but I still picked answered. "Hello" I said. "Hi is this Mr.Styles"?
"What for May I ask"?
''We have your girlfriend Alyssa Johnson here, at St. Mary's ER badly injured from a car accident"  "Oh my god.. I-I'll be right there" I said hanging up, and turning around to get to the hospital. So many thoughts were running through my mind, I couldn't think straight. I pulled up to the hospital, shut my car off, and jumped out as fast as I could. I ran into the building going up to the receptionist "I'm here for Alyssa Johnson. She was just in a car accident, I'm her boyfriend". I said slightly lying. "She's just been rushed into emergency surgery, you can go up to the waiting room if you wish". "Yes where is that" I said getting agitated that this was taking so long. "2nd floor all the way down the hall" she said, then I took off running.
I sat in the waiting room for about an hour pacing back and forth, until I heard a voice. "Mr. styles"? He questioned
I jumped up, "yes that me what happened to my girlfriend? Is she okay? What is happening"? "Sir I need you to calm down she is still in surgery. Everything is going as planned so far. She should be out in about 10-15 minutes" he said
I nodded and he left. I had a bunch of missed calls from the boys, and texts too. I called Niall first.
(Niall in italics)
Niall it's me Harry, I'm at the St. Mary's hospital with Alyssa
What happened? Why is she there?
Alyssa has been in a accident. She is still in surgery but should be out in 5 minutes or so. Tell the boys this, but do not come here. There is no paparazzi, so that's good. I will update you when I can.
*I said hanging up*

Nurses came rolling Alyssa out of the double doors. I stood up "sir you need to stay back" they said. I waited until they left her room, so I could go in there. I walked into her room and sat down. I started crying at the sight of the way she looked, all stitched up, bruised, bloody.

I sat down in a chair next to her bed, just staring at her

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I sat down in a chair next to her bed, just staring at her. *knock knock* I looked up when I heard someone knocking, it was her doctor. "Hi, I'm just here to check up on Alyssa". He said.. He did all his doctor stuff and took notes, all that junk. "Are you the boyfriend of Alyssa"? "Yes I am, I'm Harry Styles''. I shook his hand. I know it wasn't technically true, but I couldn't see her if I didn't say that.
"Well would you like to know what's, happening to her"? He asked. "I suppose I should know what is kinda going on ya"..
"Okay well right now Alyssa is in a coma, from the impact of the accident. We don't know when she could wake up, it could be 5 minutes, 1 month, 5 months,. we don't know" he said. "I personally think it shouldn't be to long, probably no longer than a week at most. The medicine we are giving her now, is helping her body function like a person would who is awake, like yours is now. So what that is going on right now, her body is 'awake' but she is still sleeping". He said putting another I.V In her arm.

---*1 week later*---
It's been a week, the doctor said there is more of a chance of her waking up today. I have been sleeping next to her on a chair this past week. Her mother occasionally stops in to see her, but not with Madeline. I looked up at her, holding onto her hand, "Alyssa, I know you can hear me.. I need you to wake up, I need you here. Madeline needs you, your little girl, our little girl. I miss seeing your smile, and hearing your laugh". I already had tears coming down my face. I still held onto her hand, looking up at the tv playing. It was probably around 5 minutes later, I felt a squeezing on my hand. I looked over, Alyssa was moving around, until her eyes fluttered open. She just looked around, "where am I" her voice came out weak and scratchy. She looked at me, "where am I"? "Alyssa, it's me Harry"! I said. "You got into a really bad car accident, you were in a coma, for about a week and a half" I told her.
I got up and went to get a doctor, he came in and did more stuff, before leaving.


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