Tough nights

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These last couple nights have been really hard for me too sleep, which meant Harry wasn't sleeping. I can't do anything by myself anymore, Harry has to dress me, and put my shoes on. I get tired very easily, mood swings are a very big thing now. I flip a lot, I'm very emotional, Harry understands a lot and helps me. Harry went grocery shopping a while ago, so he should be back anytime soon.


"Alyssa"! I shouted walking through our front door after returning home from shopping. "In here babe" her voice rang out through the house.
I drop the groceries on the counter and made my way to where her voice was coming from. I entered the bathroom, seeing her in the bathtub, bubbles surrounding her huge stomach. She looked so beautiful with her eyes closed, and head leaning back as her very sore body got some relief. I took in this whole moment thinking she is doing this for me. Not only is she going to be giving birth to my child, she has to go through all pains of Being pregnant again as well. I walk over to her, setting my hands on her bare shoulders then pressing a kiss to her hair, which was tied up into a messy bun. My favorite hairstyle on her. "Hey beautiful" I gently whispered. I then slowly start rubbing her shoulders reliving more tension in her body. She mumbled some swear words in some incoherent sentence making me laugh. She moved her arm out of the water and rested it  on the back of my neck. "She is really excited to see her daddy" Alyssa said smiling up at me. I pressed a kiss to her lips smiling "I can't wait to see her". "I love you so much" I mumbled against her lips, reaching down to unbutton my shirt and jeans. Once I was fully undressed I slid into the tub next to her resting a hand on her bump, and one on her lower back.  "I love you too" she smiled, closing her eyes. Later that night we get out of the tub that is now filled with cold water, I pull On her pjs, helping her into bed as I go downstairs to get my phone and call her mum. I miss Madeline, so does Alyssa but it's hard having a kid to watch when your pregnant. I call her mum and talk to them for awhile giving Alyssa sometime to sleep. I press end on my phone to quit the call, as I realized the time was 11:54 pm. I quietly walk upstairs, and open our bedroom door. Alyssa is turning, and moving around, obviously not comfortable and unable to sleep. I crawl into bed after getting changed. "Baby" I say softly putting my hand under her shirt rubbing her lower back. Tears began rolling down her cheeks as she turns to face me and buried her head into my neck. I take her face into my hands, stroking away the tears. "M-my b-back Ha-Harry, I can't sleep" she whispers closing her eyes in pain. "Baby it's okay, I'll take care of you" I smile, kissing her lips softly as I massage her back softly. Moans escaping her lips as I  work my hands into her back  trying my hardest to relive her pain.
10 minutes later
I look down to see Alyssa's face relaxed and asleep. Her mouth Is parted allowing some cute snores escape her mouth. I peck her forehead bring in her into my arms slowly and carefully.  Then myself falling asleep. I woke up that next morning to hear Alyssa screaming at herself in our bathroom mirror about how ugly she thinks she is. Tears are streaming down her face as she took in her gorgeous body that she seemed to  hate at this moment. I took her tears as my cue to get up and comfort her so that's exactly what I did. "Alyssa baby"? I question popping my head through the door way, acting as if I just found her. "Go away" she shouted at me, attempting to close the door. Her attempts failed as I push open the door, making sure I didn't hit her. I took her in my arms and pulled her closer reaching up to wipe her tears.  "Harry I'm so fat" she yelled at me, throwing her hands up.  Her words stunned me, she in no way at all was fat. She was pregnant with our beautiful baby girl. "You are not fat" I told her making sure she understood. "Alyssa, baby, you're so fucking beautiful. You better know that, you're pregnant" I said taking her back into my arms letting my hand travel down her enormous bump. "I-I Harry-I-I love you" she choked out, but I knew it wasn't the end, she was going to hate her body even more, as her bumper grew bigger. Her hormones are going to be stronger. But I was willing with all my might to fight these hormones for her. I was willing to be her rock, her shoulder to cry one when she needed someone to talk to or to get anger out. I want here to be her encourager and most of all the best husband I could ever be to her. I love her more than anything that's why I was so committed to ask her to marry me In front of thousands of people at her first concert. To take this baby as mine, as a Styles.
That was my commitment and that's what I was here to do for her.

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