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"I'm so excited" Harry told me as he pulled on Evelyn's little pink hat. I was let out of the hospital about 12:30 that afternoon, after Evelyn was born seeing there was no abnormal bleeding and the baby was absolutely perfect. "Same here babe" I told him. "I can't wait to get home"! I said to Harry, as we walked to the front desk after I got my release papers. All the boys, my mum, Anne, and everyone came to visit earlier this morning. Anne brought us Evelyn's car seat, we were walking out to Harrys Range Rover. I got Evelyn all buckled in, and we were set to go home. Harry slowly pulled up to the gate of our driveway and stopped to punch in the code to let us in, 2805. Harry parked in the driveway, as we jumped out Harry got Evelyn and I heard him talking to her. "Are you ready to see your big sister again"? I smiled. We opened the front door quietly, as I snuck up to Madeline. I whispered in her ear "hey baby girl"! She jumped up and hugged me, then went over to Harry and Evelyn doing the same. Madeline being 4 already, I couldn't believe she is growing up to fast, she'll be 5 in just a couple months. "Wanna have a cuddle"? I asked her and she nodded. I sat down on the couch and Madeline plopped herself down and I winced slightly at the pain. Harry opened his mouth to say something but I quickly shook my head and he didn't say anything. Anne got up off the couch and made her way over to me, "congratulations darling, you did amazing. And you little munchkin come stay at grandmas anytime you want okay"? I nodded and hugged her while Madeline said okay. She made her way to Harry and said "my big boy is so grown up, where did all the time go?  I'm so proud of you and everything you have achieved, I want you to remember that you are very lucky to have that women over there in you life, as your fiancé. Your 2 perfect, amazing little girls. Never ever take them for granted" she told him and kissed his cheek leaving.

1:36 am.

I woke up to a screaming baby, which had woken up Harry also. "Shhhh baby" I tried soothing him her. Nothing seemed to be working. "Mommy, daddy? Is Evelyn okay"? Harry turned around To the door quickly. "She is fine princess, just being stubborn" I told her, she nodded and walked further into our room before asking if she could try helping. I handed her over Evelyn and told Madeline how to sit with her. She did so, and started talking to the baby. Her cries slowly died down and fell asleep. Madeline was so excited she helped. "Alright baby you need to get back to bed, it's late" I kissed her cheek and Harry went to tuck her in. Harry walked back in and crawled into bed next to me, pulling me close to him. We both eventually fell asleep, until Evelyn started crying again at about 4:00. Doing the same exact thing as last time except for Madeline was still sleeping, Evelyn finally fell asleep.

8:00 am.

I woke up to no Harry in bed and Evelyn wasn't in her crib. I walked downstairs and saw Harry watching tv while holding Evelyn while she was laughing at him. I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water, I stood at the sink waiting until the glass filled up. I sat down at our island, and drank my water then walked back into the living room. "How long as she been up"? I questioned Harry. "Um about 45 minutes" he told me. "I am going to feed her then ". As I said that Madeline came downstairs looking tired as ever, I gave her a kiss on the cheek. I sat on the couch and Madeline walked into the kitchen to eat her cereal I out in the table. I lay Evelyn down on her side and face her. I remove my shirt, and placed my breast in her mouth as Harry covered me up a bit, while Madeline was still down here. Thankfully she took in and her cries were soon stopping. She kept losing grip after awhile so she got frustrated and started crying. "I don't want her to think I'm pulling away from her" I told Harry "Just keep doing that, it's not gonna happen the first time" he said reassuring me. I inhaled really quickly when she latched on tightly. "She is doing it babe"! "Let me get a picture of it" he said as i removed the blanket to see her, he snapped a picture and smiled. Evelyn's eyes started closing and she let go. I handed her to Harry for him to burp her. I put my shirt back on and Madeline walked back into the room. She still looked pretty tired so I sat her in my lap and she laid there, eventually falling asleep. I looked at Harry and Evelyn was sleeping again, he took both girls in his hands and laid on the couch him too falling asleep.

 I looked at Harry and Evelyn was sleeping again, he took both girls in his hands and laid on the couch him too falling asleep

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(Pretend one looks older👍🏻)

I walked back upstairs quickly and quietly too get in the shower. Harry was exhausted and so was I. I guess everyone was coming over today, to see Evelyn again. Madeline was excited when she heard Niall, Louis & Liam were all coming over. I got out of the shower and got dressed.. Walking downstairs I saw they were all still sleeping together. The doorbell rang and scared Harry out of his sleep. "It's just the boys and everyone else". I told him and he fell back asleep pretty quickly actually, while I allowed everyone into the driveway. I walked outside people started hugging me and congratulated me. I told them all to be quiet as they walked in, so they did. Anne about melted when she saw Harry and the kids sleeping. "That's so cute" she said, "Awe" Liam said laughing. Niall laughed and said "that's pretty cute". And Louis "that is pretty cute, he loves his girls". I smiled nodding my head.
I quietly woke Harry up, and we put the girls in each of their rooms, grabbing the baby monitor for Evelyn. We both walked outside onto the outdoor patio, and Harry started making lunch. "So when is the wedding going to be"? Niall asked. Harry and I looked at each other and shrugged out shoulders "not sure yet" I answered. "Hopefully around July" Harry said. A few minutes later Evelyn started crying so I went into the house and got her. Madeline woke up to her crying, so we all walked back outside together. Madeline sure was happy to see her uncles, especially Niall. "Uncle Niall"! She yelled running up to him, he turned around and hugged her. She hugged everybody else, then sat down in her chair as Harry brought her lunch. Harry walked over to me and kissed me on the lips, and said hi to Evelyn. She started giggling, and tried grabbing Harry's hair. I passed her around so everyone got to see her, Louis adored her. "She is so cute, looks just like her mom" Liam said.

A few hours later

"By everyone thanks for coming"! I said. I Leaned down and kissed Madeline on the forehead and said bye to her, so did Harry. She was going to stay with Niall for a week. All Nialls idea, too. "Hey Ni, don't bring her back all hyped up on sugar" Harry said laughing. "No promises"! He yelled back
We all bid our goodbyes and Harry went to sit on the couch with Evelyn.

* 7 YEARS LATER** big leap I know sorry. Harry is now 31 and I am 29. Evelyn is now 7 years old, and Madeline is 15.

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