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*Mature content read at own risk*

Alyssa is getting checked out at the doctors now, I am getting her stuff in my Range Rover to bring back to her house. She was in the hospital about 3 weeks. It was hard for her because she didn't get to see Madeline a lot.
"Thank you Harry"... She said when she got to the car. "No problem, love" I said smiling. I remember that used to always give her butterflies in her stomach when I called her that. "When we get back to my house, hopefully we can sit down and talk"? She asked
"Yeah I'd like that".. I said

I don't really remember the crash, which is good. I'm all stitched up everywhere, in my stomach from the surgery, my left arm, and my right leg is broken. It's hard to do anything without getting tired easily. Harry also has to help me with almost everything. I like being independent, it's what I had grown used too the past year. As harry was putting my stuff in his car I was signing out. I got outside and I thanked him, "thank you Harry" "no problem, love" God that name gives me butterflies in my stomach.

Home.. 7 months later

I've been doing pretty good, I have had physical therapy for the past 5 months. And it is now official Harry and I are dating again! We talked and we both said it would be easier now that we're more mature. "Here you go baby" I said smiling at my 2 year old girl. Madeline is now walking & talking! "Haz"! I yelled. "Yeah babe what's up"? He questioned. "Can you get Madeline her lunch and I'll feed her"? I asked
"Yeah I can".
"Da-da" she said handing Harry one of her toys. Harry smiled and said "thank you baby"! Harrys mum is coming to meet me, and Madeline for the first time. I guess you can say I'm pretty nervous.. She should be here any minute. "Babe, you don't have to be nervous, it's just my mum" Harry said reassuring me. "I know but what if she doesn't like me" I said. "She'll love you, I promise" he said kissing me. "I'm gonna go put Madeline down for her nap" he said them got up. I picked up all her toys, man does she have a lot of them too. Anne then knocked on the door so i let her in. "Hello Alyssa"! She said hugging me "hi Mrs. Styles". "Oh dear please call me Anne" she told me reaching out for Harry to hug him. "Where is the little one"? "Down for a nap" I said.
After that we all sat down and talked and laughed, until Madeline started crying. I got up to go get her, so Anne could hold her. "Hey baby, hey... It's okay stop crying". I said getting her to calm down. She did after a while so I brought her out to Anne. "Oh how precious" she said holding her.
A couple hours later Anne left with Madeline for a couple nights so Harry and I could have some alone time. Harry has been wanting sex, but I've been so tired lately. I guess tonight I could give in..
I walked over to Harry, and he kissed me hungrily. I let a moan escape my lips as he grabbed my ass. He brought us to our bedroom. "You don't have to if you don't want to babe" he said. "I want to" I said as he as I unbuckled his belt and pulled his jeans down his legs. I generally refuse to give a guy head, but tonight I didn't. I lifted my hand, placing it around him as I started to pump back and forth. I smiled in satisfaction when a moan left his lips. My finger slid over his tip before placing my mouth around him I looked up into his eyes taking him as far as I could, I pressed further into my mouth. He  started cussing, his breath becoming uneven. "F.uck baby girl" he whispered "I-I'm so
c-close"  he said. I took this as my time to stop. Then I looked up giving him an innocent smile. "Bitch" he said before grabbing his length in his hands.. "Now is that how you should be talking to your baby girl, daddy"? I said brining on the kink he loved so much. He was growing majorly turned on and I could hear his breath becoming heavier. I squealed as he gripped my thighs, and tossed me underneath him. A rush of lust took over me as I looked up at him. I gulped as I felt his hand slowly go up my stomach and back down, both hands now grabbing my waist flipping me over on my stomach. His hands roaming around my ass. His finger slid underneath the band of my underwear pulling them off. My body was aching for him to be inside me already. "Ass up" he said. I listened and did as I was told. I got up on my knees, I used my arms as a pillow for my head. His hands moved up and down my thighs, until he hit my center. I gasped as his finger slipped inside me curling around just testing me. "You're so wet for me baby" he said lowly. Making me more turned on. I had to bite my lip holding in another moan. He pushed to more fingers inside me pumping slowly. I squirmed as his fingers slid out in approval. "Ready baby girl"? His voice low, made me moan in return.  His hands gripped me from behind and in one swift motion he thrusted into me hard and fast. "Oh my god. Harry. F.uck" I screamed as he pulled out slowly. "Don't call me Harry". He thruster into me hard again and again making my body tremble. "I'm sorry daddy" I said. He thrusted at an even pace, each thrust filling me. Both of us making and grunting as he took me from behind. I never had sex like this, but I must admit I really liked it. Both of our moans were louder as we climaxed, I could feel myself tense as he spilled into me. He took one final thrust before pulling out and flipping me over again. His lips crushed onto mine as he lowered his body over me. He lifted one arm, trying to steady himself. "You're so beautiful.. So so beautiful" he said, as he rubbed my breasts making me moan.  "So f.ucking beautiful".. He said as he kissed me all over. From my lips to my jaw, down to my neck.. Then onto my breasts, & down my stomach.. "Please daddy" I moaned "Please daddy what"? "F.uck me again harder than last time"! I begged. 
"That's better baby" he said smirking. I looked down at his head between my legs, his hands gripping my thighs as he spread my legs farther apart. His tongue knew exactly what to do, as I was already screaming and moaning. His thumb moved against my c.lit as he ate me out leaving me breathless.

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