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I'm glad Madeline and I are on good terms. I was just really shocked that my little girl might have been pregnant. It really did scare me she is only 17, lets just say she can wait awhile.


I decided that I'm going to be doing a tutorial on freestyle soccer, on Instagram Live. I put a post up and it said
I will be doing an Instagram Live in 15 minutes! Be sure to watch, learn freestyle soccer.  My best friend @SkyeCowie will be joining me!

After I got everything ready, Skye and I were recording the live

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After I got everything ready, Skye and I were recording the live.

(Watch this to see what it would have been like)

"Thanks babe" I said to Eli cause he recorded us doing this. "No problem" he said then kissed me. After that Skye had to go home, as her mom needed her. We both went inside so I could cool down, and get some water. I jumped up into our island and sat there with Eli between my legs. I could kinda tell he was down a little bit. "Hey, what's wrong"? I asked. "I'm leaving for a couple weeks". He told me. "W-why"? I said kinda sad. "I'm going to the France, my mom has some business stuff there and she said I have to go" no one said anything after that. "When are you leaving"? "Tomorrow".
"And you didn't even tell me? What the hell"! I said getting angry. "Babe, I wanted to tell you, it was just too hard" he said. "You still should have told me". I said to him. I got off the counter and went to my room, storming past my mom and dad.


"Tomorrow" I told her. She was shocked. "And you didn't even bother to tell me? What the hell!" She yelled. She was obviously angry at me. "Babe trust me i wanted too. It was just too hard". I said. "You still should have told me, no matter how hard it was" she yelled getting off the counter and storming past her parents. I sat down huffing with my head in my hands. We just had our first fight. "Hey what's wrong"? Her parents both asked. "I have to leave tomorrow with my mom for her business stuff to France. It's 3 weeks I'll be gone.". I told them. "She'll get over it. I will go talk to her" Harry told me. I nodded, her mom came and patted me on the back.


I walked upstairs to Madeline's room. I heard her cries, so I opened her door and went to sit next to her. "Eli if it's you get out" she said. "It's your father" I told her. She sat up and hugged her knees to her chest. I sat next to her, and opened my arms so she could hug me. She jumped right into my arms, couldn't control her tears. "I-I hate boys" she said. "Look at me" I lifted her head up. "It'll be like when I was on tour, your mom was hanging out with friends, and doing stuff to distract herself. It went by like a breeze. I was home before she knew it". She just nodded.
I let go of her and said "let Eli come in here" I could tell she was going to say no, so I just left. I went to get Eli and sent him upstairs to talk to her.


I walked upstairs to Madeleine's room, and walked in. I shut the door behind me, and sat next to her. "I'm sorry" I told her. "What for not telling me you're leaving me for almost a month the day before you leave"?! She yelled. "Babe please stop yelling" I said back, "don't babe me". She said back. "Just let me explain, Madeline. I will be back before you know it. It's 3 weeks". "Yeah 3 weeks to long". I scooted closer and picked her up to sit in my lap. She did so without fighting. Her head in the crook of my neck, I felt her tears roll down onto me. "Don't cry babe, please". I was almost crying now. No answer, just more tears. I laid down so her moving over her so my chest covered hers. She looked into my eyes and we kissed, it was one I could tell her I'm sorry, and I love her. Her hand rested in the back of my neck, as my arms sat in her stomach.
I put my forehead on hers and smiled, "I love you" i told her. "I love you too" she said smiling. "There's my girls smile" I said laughing.

"Hey, it's not to late, I'm going to run to the store quick, I'll be back in 15 minutes

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"Hey, it's not to late, I'm going to run to the store quick, I'll be back in 15 minutes. Stay here" Eli said getting up and leaving. I nodded an okay.

15 minutes later

I heard our front door open and close, then footsteps coming up the stairs. Eli opened the door and had.. Nothing in his hands. I looked confused at him, he held up a finger then walked back in to the hallway. I sat up waiting for him. Then he brought in the biggest bear i have ever seen in my life. "Surprise" he said smiling. "I ran up to him and kissed him. He handed me my bear and I sat on it on the floor. He took a picture putting it on his Instagram.

@MadelineStyles love you baby girl❤️I commented on it saying thank you and love you too

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@MadelineStyles love you baby girl❤️
I commented on it saying thank you and love you too..
When Eli gets back in a couple weeks it'll be our 1 year Anniversary.. Then 2 months later it'll be my 18th birthday. He has been lately taking a lot of pictures of us, and me. All we did the rest of the night was lay in bed together. Just enjoying our company, kissing here and there. More pictures, more and more. I love him so I let Him take the pics. Until we both fell asleep.

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