9 months along

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Damn.. It's been 9 months of this horrible pregnancy. It hasn't been all to bad, but it's bad. It's, just the thought that I'm going to be going birth to a little baby girl, any day now. Eli and I made it public a few weeks ago, and the reactions were amazing. Everyone was so excited. We have had interviews and stuff like that. It's been a lot. Here is the name we have decided on. Alaina Gibson! I picked it out the other day. To Announce the pregnancy we took a picture of us standing together and captioned it 'Can't Wait to meet our little girl Alaina '! I am so excited for this, to finally have a little girl of mine and Eli's own. Right now Eli and I were at a friends little 'mini' party, only about 8 people here. We both stuck to water, for the night. I was getting a lot of Braxton hicks. They were hurting. I sat down on he couch for a minute, and Eli saw I did so. He came running over kneeling next to me. "Babe? What wrong"? He questioned. "I-I don't know" I said as another pain ripped through me. If these are what just the 'getting ready for pregnancy contractions, the others are going to hurt. Like. A. Bitch. I tried to steady my breathing as Eli grabbed a hold of my hand, and leading me out to our car. He called my parents and was telling them I was going into labor. Everyone was on their way, to the hospital, as we pulled up, I saw my parents and Eli's. They set me into a wheelchair to help me out. I was screaming in pain, as I was brought into my private room. Then I felt a pop. My water broke. "M-mom my water broke" I said panicking. She called the doctors, and they came in. "We are going to see how dilated you are" I gulped as they moved my legs to my side. I looked at Eli and my face scrunched up in pain. Only 2 centimeters. A long way to go. "Maddie-" "Eli please" I snapped. Of course I didn't mean too. I was just in pain, and crying, my emotions were all over the place. After a few hours everyone went into the waiting room, saying it should be just me and Eli for this. I didn't agree to that, but everyone still left. After that I had another contraction and I cried out in Eli's chest. I turned over on my side holding onto Eli. I screamed again as another contraction came rushing through. "Alright you're 8 centimeters dilated" the doctor said. Alright I was so ready to snap at one of these nurses or the doctor. I needed to get her out of me now. It honestly feels like you're shitting a knife. "Alright you need to push Madeline" Eli encouraged me. He held my hand through all of this, as I screamed even more. Just then, Evelyn walked in, I screamed at her to get out, "get out"!! She quickly ran out. "Get, my d-d-dad, please" Eli nodded his head and went to get him and they both same running back in. "Daddy, I can't do this, anymore" I said, In pain. "No, no you keep going you're almost there. Just keep pushing" he told me. "Great job, keep pushing" the doctor told me, holding my legs apart. "Ahhhh my f-fucking God, Eli" she screamed. "You are never touching me again you bitch" she yelled "I see a head" he yelled. "This is the hardest part, the shoulders you need some huge pushes the rest are easy" he said. Maddie turned her face towards me her face scrunched up in pain my hand being held the tightest she had her, signaling she pushed. "I fucking hate you, you bitch" she screamed. "Good job the shoulders are out" he said, "come on baby" he said encouraging me again. He pecked my cheek as she screamed out in pain one last time as she gave her final push.

"Mr. Gibson would you like to cut the umbilical cord"? The doctor asked looking up at me. I nodded and pecked Madeline's lips before going to the edge of the bed to see the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. As I cut the cord I realized that my baby girl was healthy, and looked so cute. August 16th 2021 at 6:23 pm. The room was filled with screams from her as she was taken by nurses to be cleaned up. "Would you like to meet your baby girl"? The nurse smiled setting her in Madeline's  arms. The moment she was placed in her hands Alaina's cries stopped. I leaned into my beautiful girlfriend and admired our little baby girl. She looked up at me and smiled that's when I saw her dimples. Her small body wrapped in a pink blanket as Maddie handed me my little baby girl.
Alaina Marie Gibson. Born  August 16th 2021 at 6:23 pm.
"I love you" I whispered as tears rolled down my face and I was taking what just happened. My baby was finally here, I was a daddy. "You're gonna be a great daddy" Madeline smiled at me, before closing her eyes needing some well deserved sleep. I leaned my recliner back, closing my eyes falling asleep with my baby girl on my chest. I asked the nurse to take a picture and she did, then leaving us alone to be with our baby. I posted it on Twitter and Instagram, saying "@madelinestyles and I have just welcomed our new baby girl Alaina Marie Gibson August 16th 2021 at 6:23 pm.  So blessed to be able to have my first girl, with my amazing girlfriend. I love them so very much." Then clicked post Falling asleep

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