5 Months Later

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I've been keeping it a secret from Eli, but.. I'm pregnant!!! Right now it marks 4 months along, only 4 to go. I'm starting to show, so I am planning on telling Eli the great news. Right now, I was out shopping. I needed some new clothes, now I need to think of a way to tell Eli this as a surprise. I could: show him the test, clothes, or just tell him. Most likely I'm going to just show him the test. I got a a picture of it, I took it when I found out I was pregnant. I have a doctors appointment set up for next week, I'm nervous on telling him this. I pulled up into my dads driveway, I saw Eli's car was here, so I walked inside. He wasn't in the living room or kitchen. Must be in my bedroom. I thought to myself. I walked in and he was sitting on my bed. When he saw me, he got up and kissed me. "I have to tell you something" I blurted out. He looked at me confused at what I was about to say. I got out a little box, and have it to him. "Before you open it, I hope you're happy with this. I am nervous, and scared to tell you" I said. I gave him a head nod and he opened it. "Is this real"? He asked. There was no sign of emotion on his face at all. "Yeah it is" I said. I saw a tear slip down his face. I wiped it away. "I-I'm gonna be a dad" he said looking at me. "Yes, you're gonna be a dad" I smiled. He hugged me, and kissed me passionately. "I love you" he murmured lowly. I smiled against his lips. "We should tell our parents. It's the right thing to do" I said. He nodded as we walked downstairs. "Oh hey boys"! I said as Louis, Niall, and Liam were here. Great.. More people. Might as well get it over with. "Listen we need to tell you all something important. Do not blurt anything out, or say anything until we have told you please". I said to everyone. They all nodded. "We'll pass the thing down one at a time. Don't say anything until we've have the thing back" again everyone nodded. It started with my mom, she looked up and was smiling. My dad, he looked so happy. Evelyn, was about to scream. Niall, was astonished that I was going to have a baby. Louis, looked up mouth dropped to the floor. Liam, had a tear roll down his face. "Surprise"! Eli and I said. My dad jumped up right away and hugged me "I'm so proud of you" he pulled Eli in the hug too. Everyone else congratulated us, and we thanked them. Then everyone was talking about it, asking names, do you want a boy or girl. All things like that. I was hoping for a girl. I don't know what Eli wanted, I'm sure he would be happy if I was happy. After awhile every en started leaving. Evelyn went to her boyfriends house. She is growing up too fast, the guys went to their houses or to do whatever they do. Eli called his mom and dad to them the news. They were very excited, after that we called Anne, and Robin. They were absolutely excited, that their first granddaughter was pregnant. Eli and I walked up to my room after, and I laid down seeing as it was a long day. Eli laid beside me, and pulled my short up a bit, then started rubbing circles on my stomach. I wasn't to terribly in pain, but the were pains here and there. I was nervous, really nervous. I mean I'm having a baby in 5 months. But as long as Eli is next to me through this, I will be fine.

*6 months along*"Oh Jesus, f

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*6 months along*
"Oh Jesus, f.uck" I said as our little baby kicked me. That was a hard kick. Eli asked me what was wrong, I said that the baby kicked again. He walked over to me and put his hand on my stomach, and felt the baby. I closed my eyes in pain again. He kissed my forehead and kept rubbing slow circles. I love that he understands I have my cravings, last week it was, anything that consisted of chocolate and Mac & Cheese. It was weird. I started to get another craving today, for cookie dough. "Hey, babe" I said dragging out the 'E' on it. "Yes babe" he said doing the same. Before I said anything he knew I was going to ask for something.. "Another craving"? I nodded my head. "What is it"? He asked me. "Mmmm... Cookie dough" I smiled, he got up and grabbed his keys going to get me the edible kind. "Thank you" I smiled and he nodded laughing. Once he got back, he went into the kitchen and got me a spoon, then brought the tub of dough back to me. Once I started eating it I felt sick. I gave Eli the stuff and got to the bathroom quickly as I bent over the toilet puking my guts out. Eli sat down next to me, pulling my hair into a ponytail. Once I got done, I stood up and brushed my teeth trying to get the taste out of my mouth. "I'm sorry baby" Eli said. "It's not your fault, I promise" I said smiling. We both decided to find out the gender at my next doctors appointment, so we would have time to get everything ready for him/her.. "Oww" I said, as I kept getting Braxton hicks.

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