Finals Day

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I blinked my eyes, as the blinding sun shot in through the windows. I rolled over and looked at Eli, who was still laying peacefully beside me. I brushed some hair out of his face, and kissed his forehead. I rolled over, and grabbed my homework off the floor so I could start on it, I can't wait for finals to be over. We have to study all of these, terms and stupid stuff. I drew the square on the paper and then started my work. (This is off my math homework I have to do😬😑🤔)

 (This is off my math homework I have to do😬😑🤔)

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'A square is drawn in the coordinate plane. One side of the square is on the line 3X + 4Y = 12. Which of the following equations could be another side of the square'? good, God. I'm going to fail finals.
A) 4X + 3Y = 24
B) Y = 3X - 2
C) Y = -3 /4X + 7
D). 3X - 4Y = -12

Lord help me.. Once all my work was finished I got the answer 'C'. Hopefully it's correct.  Now for the next one..
'Write the equation for Distance Formula.'.
Well shit.
"Babe, what are you doing"? Eli mumbled to me. "Homework.. You know I'm pretty sore right"? I told him. "I knew you would be.. What kind of homework"? I chuckled and said "Math finals". "Need any help"? He asked. "Yeah". "What's the problem"?
"Write the equation for Distance Formula" I told him. "Shit. That's a long ass equation.. I think it starts off with.. D= \|------------- (square root) of '(X2 - X1)2 + (Y2 - Y1)2"... He told me. "I'm going to fail, if these are on the finals". I told him. "Just take a break, and relax". I nodded. Eli flipped over on top of me, and straddled me. "Babe, not again" I said. "Why? C'mon" he said. "Cause I'm already sore enough and I don't wanna again". I told him. He started kissing down my neck, and chest. "Babe, no I don't want to" I said pushing him off me. He rubbed his lower area against mine and I tried to hold back my moan but I couldn't. He smirked at me. I sat up, and pushed him off of me, "Eli I said I didn't want to have sex, so I don't want too"! I yelled at him. I walked over to his bathroom, and went inside, I sat on the toilet and noticed I was bleeding. "F.uck". I looked under the counter, and didn't see any tampons. I folded up a piece of toilet paper and stuffed it in my underwear, walking out to see if I had any in my bag. I was searching through it and still couldn't find any. "Eli"? I asked. "Yeah" he said. "I need some things from the store" I told him. "Can you go get them for me"? I asked. "Yeah, what do you need"?? "Tampons"... "Okay I will go get them". He said walking up to me and kissing me. I went back into the bathroom and sat down, I was having really bad cramps. I heard a knock on he door, about 15 minutes later, it was Eli with my stuff. He walked in and handed me the things. "Here you go baby" he said. "Thank you" I smiled up at him until I got another cramp. My face dropped in pain. "You okay"? Eli asked me. I shook my head no. I told him to leave, and I did all my bathroom junk. I walked out, and Eli was sitting on the edge of the bed. I went over to him and he wrapped his arms around my waist, slowly massaging my lower back. He would kiss my stomach here and there. It was relaxing, to me. "Ow" I said. "Where does it hurt"? "Everywhere" I said. He stopped massaging my back, and instantly got more pain back. He moved over on the side of the bed, and laid me down next to him. Slowly lifting my shirt up part way, he rubbed his hand on my lower stomach, and his other hand on my lower back. "I'm so bloated" I complained to him. "It's cause you're on your period". He told me, and I nodded. "Here, I got you some things" he said reaching over his side of them bed and grabbed a bag. I smiled when I saw there was a bunch of chocolate.

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