2 years

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*8 months later, Eli and Madeline are together for 2 years* MATURE CONTENT

"Happy 2 years baby"! Eli ran up to me and hugged me. "Happy 2 years" I smiled back. I smiled burying myself into his chest more, I wasn't very, let's say... In the mood today. "What's wrong"? Eli asked lifting my chin up, as I desperately tried to keep my tears from spilling out. I just shook my head and said ''nothing''. I don't think he bought it, though cause he just nodded. He grabbed my hand and led me to his car, and we got in. I was picking at the tears in my jeans, and biting my lip nervously. "Babe, tell me what is wrong" Eli said. "People! Okay"? I told him. "Well who are these people"? He asked, "I don't know. Some girls" I told him. "What are they saying or doing" he questioned.. "Stuff".. I said to him. "Maddie, cmon what kind of stuff" he said getting mad. "It's on Twitter, and Instagram. A lot of Hate". I said to him. I quickly wiped a tear away as I read more messages. Skank. Whore. Fat ass. Bitch. Eli doesn't love you. Ugly. F.uck up.  Slut.
More and more and more. All day people were saying this. "I know what would make you feel better" Eli said, "don't no, I don't wanna do that Eli" I said. It wasn't what he was talking about, "no, not that, how about me and you go out for dinner tonight"? He asked. "No I'm already fat enough" I mumbled. "You are not fat Maddie" he said, "you are the most athletic and attractive girls in that school, in the world. Look how lucky I am to have you as mine" he said, making me feel slightly better. I just nodded. "We are still going out to dinner, tonight it's a must". He said so I agreed. We pulled up to his house and got out, going inside. His mom and dad were there. I greeted them and we went up to his room. I set my bag down on his bed and pulled out some of my homework, I sighed as some notes I had gotten today fell out. I quickly tried grabbing the all and stuffing them in my bag before Eli saw. Luckily he didn't. I sat Down on his bed starting with my math homework. "Ughh I hate math, Eli" i complained to him. "I know, babe, sorry" he said. I'm just glad it is Friday. Eli grabbed my homework from me and set it aside, I got up and went to the bathroom. Eli got up and followed me, as I stared at my self in the mirror. He slowly took my shirt and bra off, kissing my shoulder.

I just went all with it, all. He turned me around and kept kissing me. We eventually made it back to his bedroom, and he laid me down, slowly crawling on top of me. He kissed down my neck, to my chest, and stomach. He looked up at me, asking before he went any further. I nodded a yes, and he continued. Slowly he unbuttoned my pants, pulling them off of me, and throwing them somewhere in his room, leaving me in just my underwear.
He gripped me through the fabric, making me let out a long moan. "B-babe, stop". I said breathing heavy, he stopped right away. "What's wrong"? He asked me. "I don't know, I want to get my homework done"? I said as a question, to be truthful I was nervous having sex again. Especially at his parents house. "It's Friday babe, you can get it done tomorrow" he said.  I just nodded, and he continued. He kissed down my stomach, and I let out a long moan.

I sat up, and pulled us on the floor, then got on my knees

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I sat up, and pulled us on the floor, then got on my knees. I grabbed Eli's jeans and pulled them down showing off his tight black boxers. I pulled his boxers down, sliding my hands down his thighs. They fell to the floor, and he stepped out of them leaving him completely naked. I slowly kissed his tip, as he moaned slowly takin him in my mouth. I bobbed my head back and forth, until he said "f.uck I'm gonna cum" he yelled out. I pulled off of him as he looked at me. I stood up as he slipped my thong off.

He brought us back up on the bed, as he laid us down

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He brought us back up on the bed, as he laid us down.

"O-oh Yes, Eli" I moaned out loudly

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"O-oh Yes, Eli" I moaned out loudly. Eli, put a condom on, then spread my legs apart, not leaving me much time to think as he thrusted really hard and fast into me. I yelled out at the feeling, as he gave me a few seconds to adjust to him. Eli was careful, as he held me tightly, but then started thrusting into me really fast and hard. I was screaming without a care in the world as he relentlessly pounded into me. Eli moaned lowly in my ear, teasing me as he f.ucked me hard.  He pulled out and flipped me over, overlapping his leg over my body. He eased his c*ock back inside of me, "Eli" I moaned out. He kissed my neck as I kept moaning. His c*ock was so big, and f.ucking deeper and harder then before, I squeezed the bed sheets as I felt my climax near. Eli only f.ucked me harder not caring I was close. My entire body shook as I came Eli kept thrusted me reaching his high, I felt his liquids run down my leg eventually slowing his thrusting down. Eli kissed my neck as he pulled out, and cuddled me.


I sat uncomfortably as I heard Eli and Madeline upstairs together. It was honestly pretty loud. I keep hearing Maddie yell and scream along with Eli.. They are adults, let them be... I told myself. Let it be.


That was amazing, I thought. It was currently 4:27 pm. Eli still wanted to go out for dinner, I was debating whether or not, we should. I am pretty sore. "C'mon babe. Please"? Eli kept asking. "Hey, you gotta realize I'm sore right now" I told him. He still kept begging. "Fine we'll go" I said getting up and changing into something nice. I decided on this. (No bracelet)

Eli whistled at me, when I walked out of his bathroom

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Eli whistled at me, when I walked out of his bathroom. I smiled, blushing. He head on a pair of black skinny jeans and a black shirt on.


"Thank you baby" I smiled kissing him. "You're welcome, babe" he kissed me back. This has been a pretty fun day.

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