When they hurt you (Physically)

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You were really excited to watch the new episode of Space Heroes with you brother Leo. You were sitting on Leo's bed waiting for him to come back with snacks.

"I'm here!" He yells rushing in with popcorn, candy, chips, and soda.

"Took ya long enough. It's about the start!" You say grabbing some popcorn.

After about 10 minutes, Captain Ryan was about to be shot with a laser by his partner.

"Remember who you are, then everything will be normal again." CR tells him.

"NEVER!" He yells shooting him.

Leo flings his arms up causing you to be smacked in the eye.


"Quiet (y/n) I have to see what happens next." Leo says.

You look at him like -_< until he looks at you.

"What?" He asks.

Once again, you give him this look -_<. He finally remembers and gasps.

"Sis! I'm really really really sorry. Is your eye okay?" He asks.

"I don't know." You shrug.

"Open your eye." Leo demands.

You open it and he takes a look. You then poke his eyes.

"Ow!" He yells holding them, "What was that for?"

"Revenge." You simply say.


You were training with Raph and you were wining every time. Surprising. You flip him over and do your victory dance once again.

"Oh yeah uh huh (y/n) Homato strikes again!" You yell pointing to the sky.

Raph growls in anger, "I'll show you a strike!"

You give him a 0_0 look as he starts running towards you fast as a speed engine.

"Raph don't-!"

He punches you in the stomach and sweeps you off your feet also kicking you to make you hit the tree. Then Raph does his victory dance.

"Oh yeah! I win!" He yells putting his fists up.

You start to cry softly holding onto your stomach. It felt like a million knots have tied together. Raph's face goes from 😁 to ☹.

"You okay sis?" He asks.

You shake your head in pain, "...No."

He rushes to you. There was one thing he hated, seeing you hurt or cry. But worst because of him. Tears burned in his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry (y/n). I-I lost control. M-my anger got the best of me." He cried hugging you.


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Softy!" You burst out laughing.

Raph wipes his tears, "I thought you were hurt because of me!"

"I am but seeing you all mushy and not tough is just too funny. *Sigh* I feel so much better bro!" You say standing up, petting his head, then walking away.


You and Donnie were mixing chemicals together like evil scientists.

"Muhahahaha now we shall have the most dazzling potion of all time!" You laugh evilly.

"Hahahaha yes we will sis." Donnie says pouring more chemicals into the beaker, but then steps on his on feet.

-Slow mo-

He trips, falls on you, while the chemical spills on your cheek. You scream in pain as you hold your cheek. Donnie quickly stands up and runs to you.

"(Y/n)!" He yells.

He quickly washes the chemicals off and kisses your cheek.

"All better?" He asks.



You and Mikey were on the couch playing videogames. You were fighting like crazy. That was until Mike shoved you and you hit the floor losing the control.

"YES!" Mikey yells.

"Ow..." You groan.

"(Y/n)? Why are you on the floor?" Mikey asks.

You give him a -_- face. He gasps.


He legit hugged you for the rest of the day.

(A/N): Srry that his is like really really REALLY short but I couldn't think of anything. I had a brain fart. Hehehe. . .brain fart ^.^ I take REQUEST!

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