Sneaking out Part 1

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The guys are 15 and you are 10 and favorite weapon is (f/w)

It was your brothers' 15th mutation day and you guys were playing around in the dojo. Leo and Raph were fighting each other with weapons and you, Donnie, and Mikey, were wrestling each other.

"Gotchu now sis!" Mikey said pinning you down.

"Donnie help!" You laughed.

Donnie walked over to you, bent down, and tickled you.

"I got you too!" He smiled.

"NUUUUUUUU! Why meeeeeee!" You said laughing.

Your stomach was aching from how hard you've been laughing. Raph and Leo were still fighting each other.

"You can't beat me Raph." Leo smirked.

"Oh yes I can! I can knock your shell out right now!" He replied.

"Do it!" Leo replied back.

"LEO! RAPH! HELP!" You laughed.

They looked over at you confused. Mikey and Donnie continued to tickle you and you were crying tears of laughter and stomach pain.

"What do ya want us ta do?" Raph asked.

"How bout get these dummies off me so I can breathe!?" You laughed.

"Oh." Leo and Raph said.

They looked at each other then tackled Donnie and Mikey and got them off of you. YOu finally got up and were able to breathe.

"Yay! I can breathe air!" You said.

Your brothers then smirked at you. You knew that look.

"Oh no." You said.

You got up and quickly ran from your brothers as they were chasing you so they could ALL tickle you.

"THE TICKLE MONSTERS ARE ATTACKING!" You yelled running around the lair.

"Come back here!" Leo laughed.

You ran around the lair and back to the dojo so you could hop in the tree and hide in there. That's what you did and your brothers stopped and looked around.

"Dang it we lost her." Donnie said.

"I wanted to tickle her footsies." Mikey added.

"My sons." Sensei said coming from his room.

The boys turned to see him and bowed, "Hai Sensei."

They looked up at him.

"Where is (y/n)?" He asked.

"Here I am!" You said jumping down, but landed on you butt, "ouch."

Your brothers laughed at you.

"Not funny." You said getting up.

"Sensei?" Leo asked.


"Now that we are 15, do you think we could go up to the surface now?" Leo asked.

"Hmmmm." Sensei said stroking his beard (or whatever lol), "I suppose."

"YEAH!" Your brothers yelled.

"But you need a leader." He added.

"I think I should be the leader because I'm the toughest."

"No I should because I'm the smartest."

"May I be the leader Sensei?" 

"I should be the leader because I'm cool!"

Sensei looked at his sons, "I believe I need to meditate for this."

He walked in his room, shut the door, then opened it again, "It's Leonardo."

He shut his door again and your brothers smiled with joy. They were finally going up to the surface. But what about you?

"Hey can I come with?" You asked.

Your brothers stopped and looked at you with wide eyes.

"What? I always wondered what the outside world was like." You said.

Leo sighed and bent on one knee to his little sister, "Sis, as the leader of this team, I can't let you come with us."

"W-Why?" You asked, tears forming in your eyes.

Leo hated to see like this, "Because you're too young. You're 10 and we're 15. This will be our first time going up to the surface. We don't know what's up there either. But we can't risk your life by bringing to the outside world where you could get hurt or possibly killed. We're trained longer than you have. We have more experience in fighting for ourselves. Maybe when you're older you can come up to the surface with us."

Anger bolted up your body, "So just because I'm 10 and don't have as much training you guys have and basically calling me weak I can't go up to the surface?"

"No (y/n) I never said you were weak." Leo said.

"UH lemme rewind for a second. We have more experience in fighting for ourselves. THAT COMPLETLY SOUNDS LIKE YOU'RE CALLING ME WEAK!" You snapped.

"Sis we just don't want you to get hurt." Donnie said.

"SAVE IT! I'll prove to you all that I'm just you! Yeah I may be 5 years younger than you all. But I'll be able to take care of myself. I'm not gonna get hurt. So just go to your freedom fun time up on the surface and LEAVE ME HERE." You said and stomped to your room.

Your brothers frowned at how upset you were because you weren't allowed to go with them. It was for your own safety. They didn't know what was out there and needed to go themselves to see if it was safe. So your brothers geared up and set foot out to the surface. You on the other hand, were ready to go out as well.

You slipped on your comfy shorts and a tank top along with your favorite weapon, (f/w). You grabbed your sweatshirt as well because it's NY and it's always chilly (I just came back from NYC like 2 weeks ago it was awesome btw). You took one last look at the lair before leaving. You made your way to the manhole cover and you climbed out. You saw lights and tall buildings everywhere.

"Whoa." You said, "It's beautiful."

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