You get attacked

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You and Raph were training in the dojo while the others were doing whatever. You round housed your brother to the wall.

He coughed, "Well you're getting stronger at a young age."

"Dude I'm 11; not so young." You replied.

He stood up and patted your head, "You're still a shortie to me." 

You tried to punch him but he caught your fist.

"And slow at punches." He smirked.

"Shut up." You smirked back.

Raph hugged you and started tickling you.

"Hey stop it!" You laughed.

"Alright." He said and stopped.

"Guys come here!" Donnie yelled.

You and your brothers go to Donnie and see a giant vehicle. 

"What's that?" Leo asked.

"My new invention. I call it-"

"The Shell Razor!" Mikey smiled.

"That sounds better than what I called it." Donnie said.

"What can we do with it?" Raph asked.

"Drive it around and patrol with it." Donnie answered.

"I call driving!" You said jumping up and down.

Your brothers laughed and you were confused.

"What?" You asked.

Donnie patted your shoulder, "When you're older, you can drive it okay? I think since Leo's the oldest, he can drive it."

"Oh that makes sense." You said.

"Can we take it out tonight?" Mikey asked.

"I don't see why not." Leo answered.

"Can I come? I promise I'll be good." You said, using your puppy eyes.

"Okay. But stay with us at all times." Raph said.

You smiled and hopped in the Shell Razor. Leo drove to the surface of New York. You all looked out the window.

"I love the view of the night." Mikey said.

"I can only imagine what the city would look like in the day time." You replied.

Leo heard a scream, "Someone's in trouble!"

They drove to an alley and hopped out. They heard the scream again.

Raph scratched his chin, "Is it just me or does that sound like-"

"APRIL!" Donnie yelled.

You saw the girl that was April being attacked by black suited ninjas.

"(Y/n) stay in the Shell Razor." Leo ordered.

You rolled your eyes and stayed in the Shell Razor. You watched as your brothers fought the ninjas. You were quite bored and needed something to do. You snuck out of the Shell Razor and walked down a different alley. 

The sound of a sharp blade being pulled out filled your ears. You started running back the way you came but someone jumped in front of you.

"Why are you leaving so soon little one?" A deep voice asked, "Are you starting to figure out that the city is not so friendly?"

No words could come out of your mouth; you were too scared to talk. The man held you by your shirt.

"Tell Homato Yoshi that I have returned." He said cutting your chest with his shreds.

He dropped you and disappeared into the dark, leaving you hurt and traumatized. You held your chest and held in your screams of pain. You didn't want your brothers to hear you. You looked at your hand as it was covered in blood. You were wearing a black shirt, so it wasn't noticeable. 

You made your way back to the Shell Razor and sat in the back. You were getting tired from loss of blood.

"No. . .I have to stay awake."

Mikey walked in, "Hey sis! Come meet April!"

I don't think I can walk, you wanted to say. You slowly stood up and followed Mikey to the others.

"April this is our little sister (y/n)." Mikey smiled.

April waved at you, "Hi."

You slowly waved back, "Hey."

"You tired (n/n)?" Donnie asked.

Yeah let's go with that.

"Yeah." You lied.

"See you around April?" Raph asked.

"Totally. Bye guys!" She smiled.

You and your brothers went home. You told them goodnight and went to your room. You took off your shirt and looked at your chest. 2 huge shred lines ran across your chest. You couldn't get bandages from Donnie; he would find out.

You ripped one of your shirts and tied it around your chest. You put on a shirt and quickly hopped in bed before you passed out.

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