Able to Train Again

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Leo, Donnie, and Mikey were jumping roof tops on the way home.

"Dudes Raph didn't come for patrol." Mikey said.

"Who knows what he's doing." Donnie replied.

They walked in the lair and looked around.

"Raph?" Leo asked.

"Aww dudes come look at this." Mikey said from your room.

Leo and Donnie walked to your room and saw Raph holding you while you both were sleeping. Mikey took a picture.

"That's a keeper." He smiled.

~The Next Day~

Raph slowly woke up and looked around. He saw you still sleeping in his arms. He softly smiled and laid you in your bed. He kissed your forehead and walked to the living room.

"Awww." His brothers looking at Mikey's phone.

"What are you dorks looking at?" He asked.

"Just a pic." Mikey answered.

"Lemme see." Raph replied.

His brothers' eyes widened. Raph raised his invisible eyebrow in confusion.

"What? Can I not see the picture?"

"Umm." Donnie trailed.

Raph looked at the picture and saw that it was him and his sister sleeping.

"That's cute." He replied, then sweep kicking his brothers making them fall on their shells, "And THAT'S for spying on us."

His brothers groaned in pain. A soft yawn entered the room. They look up to see you rubbing your sleepy eyes.

"Oh hey (y/n)." Leo said, "How'd you sleep?"

"Good." You answered, "At first I was having a nightmare but it faded away.

"We know why." Mikey smirked.

He showed you the picture and you hugged Raph.

"I love you Raphie." You said.

He picked you up and hugged you back, "Love you too (n/n)."

"Well now that you're up let's check that wound." Donnie said.

You all went to the lab and you sat down. Raph held your hand as Donnie took the bandage off.

"It looks way better than before." Donnie said.

"Really?" You asked.

"Yeah. Wait, does this hurt?" He pressed down on the wound.

You immediately punched Donnie in the face, "shell yeah that hurt!!"

Raph put his hand over his mouth to prevent himself from laughing but failed. He laughed his shell off.

Donnie held his face, "Raph you are no longer allowed to be around (y/n)."

"She's my sister I'm allowed to be around her." He replied.

"What is going on in here?" Splinter asked walking in.

"(Y/n) just punched Donnie in the face because he pressed on her boo-boo!" Mikey yelled.

"I was checking to see if it still hurt." Donnie replied.

"Anytime someone has a boo-boo Donatello, it will hurt no matter what." Splinter said.

"I think I'm able to train again Sensei." You told him.

He looked at you wound and saw that it was healing.

"Very well. You may train and go on patrol again." He said.

"Yes!" You and your brothers smiled.

Donnie wrapped your wound up and you all went to the dojo. You stood in the middle of your brothers and close your eyes. You felt there presence around you, ready to attack.

"Yajime!" Splinter said.

Your brothers charge at you but you swept kick them to the ground, your eyes still closed. Mikey charged at you but you placed your hands on his plastron and flipped him over. Donnie charged next with his bow staff in hand but you grab the other end and hit him with the stick.

"Ow! Ow!" He yelled.

You dropped the staff and Raph charged at you. He threw punches and kicks but you dodged them swiftly. You grabbed his fist and smirked. You flipped him over and over again. You slammed him into the wall.

"Ow. . ." He groaned.

Leo was the last. He pulled out his katanas and chargedcharged at you. He dodged removed and pin you against the wall. You opened your eyes.

"You still can't beat me sis." Leo said.

"Very good (y/n) and Leonardo." Splinter said.

The others stood up and walked to you.

"Let's get ready for patrol." Donnie said.

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