Was Spike, now Slash

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Raph walked into his room and felt that something was wrong.

"Hello Raph." A voice spoke.

"Who's there?" Raph asked.

The creature walked out, "you don't recognize your own pet?"

Raph's eyes widened, "Spike?"

The turtle smiled, "yep."

Raph was speechless, "h-how di-did you get like this??"

"The mutagen you left." He said, "I got in it and transformed into this."

"Whoa." Raph said.

"Now we can fight crime together and let your anger out on everything you went through." He said.

"I don't have any anger." Raph replied.

"Lies." Spike growled walking over to the pictures, "you're anger has gotten worse ever since..." he pointed at the picture of you, "she left."

"Don't TOUCH THAT!" Raph yelled.

"Why?" Spike asked, "she left you. She called you a freak."

"No she loved me!" Raph yelled back.

"She left you! If she loved you she wouldn't have left." Spike said, "now let's go on patrol."

"Those are Leo's orders." Raph replied.

"Leo's not here. Let's go." Spike snarled.

Raph and Spike went up to the surface and looked around.

"So now what Spike?"

"I'm Slash now." He said.

"Well Slash, What now?"

"There's a new hero that popped up 2 years ago. Remember the news?" Slash asked.

"Yeah. Wolf girl they call her." Raph answered, "what about her?"

"Well we are going to hunt her down to find out who she really is." Slash replied.

"Where does she usually chill?"

"She goes from place to place. She doesn't stay in one spot. It's like she's being tracked." Slash answered.

"She couldn't be that fast." Raph said.

Raph And Slash looked around the city. Suddenly, they hear howling.

"That sounded like a human." Raph said.

"That's her." Slash replied.

"I see her on one of the buildings!"

"Let's get her."

They ran to the building and climbed to the top. The wolf girl was turned away from them.

"Who are you?!?" Raph yelled.

The wolf girl gasped and jumped off the building, using her claws to slide down safely. What they didn't know, was that the wolf girl.....

Was you.

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