Sneaking Out Part 2

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Everything was new to you and all you could do was stare and capture the moment. The stars were brighter than they were in pictures, the air was cooler than it was in the lair, and everyone looked just like her. . .human. You loved it. You heard beeping cars and sounds you've never heard of before.

"Whoa." Was all you could say.

You climbed a side ladder on a skyscraper to the top. You stopped halfway and looked at the view.

"Whoa." You said again.

You made it to the top and you looked down at the city. The lights were so beautiful. You couldn't help but think that this was all a dream. You laughed and smiled as you twirled around on the roof. As you laughed and twirled around, you looked up at the stars, watching the bright white dots spun with you.

You plopped down after a few minutes, letting your head taking a break and spin back to normal. Once you could see straight, you stood up again. You looked at your Shellphone, it was almost 1 in the morning. 

"Better get back before the guys do." You mumbled putting your phone in your pocket.

You jumped off the building and held onto the ladder as you slid down. You summer-salted and landed safely. You made it to the manhole cover and hopped down, then put the manhole cover back in its spot. Thanks to getting lost in the sewers when you were younger, you knew the sewers like the back of your hand. Suddenly, you heard voices.

"Yo I can't wait to tell (y/n) about that pizza!"

The guys were close and coming fast. 

"First we have to save that pretty girl!" Donnie yelled.

"Pretty girl?" You whispered.

You needed to distract them so you could get in the lair without being caught. You then got an idea. You just screamed as loud as you could.

"Yo what was that!" Mikey asked.

"Let's go check it out." Leo said.

You then ran a short cut to the lair. Sensei was in his room so you were good. You went in your room and changed into your pjs. You went to the kitchen to grab you a drink. 

"Yo we're back!" Mikey yelled, "Ouch!"

Raph hit Mikey apparently.

"Dude Sensei and (y/n) are sleeping!" He whispered.

"But we gotta ask about saving that pretty girl!" Donnie panicked.

You walked out, "Man you guys are loud." 

Their eyes widened.

"Oops." They said in unity.

You yawned, then drank your (f/d). 

"Looks like someone's having a rough night." Raph smirked.

"Don't even go there I can ruin your night in 2 seconds." You said harshly.

Raph looked at the ground and stayed quiet.

"So." You started, "How was the surface?"


"Pretty girl?" You asked, looking at Donnie.

"There was a pretty girl that was kidnapped by these robots! We gotta save her!" Donnie yelled.

You covered your ears because Donnie's panicking was giving you a headache.

"What seems to be the trouble Donatello?" Sensei asked walking out.

Leo covered Donnie's mouth to prevent him from making everyone go deaf.

"There was this girl and her father that were kidnapped by these robots and Donnie wants to save her." Leo explained.

"Please just say yes so my ears won't ring." Raph said.

"What ears Raph? Are they invisible?" You smirked.

Raph glared at you and tackled you to the ground. He held you down, but you didn't care. You just shoved him off but he pinned you down again. 

"Have you forgotten that I'm 5 years older and stronger than you?" He asked.

"Have you forgotten that I really don't care about your age and how strong you are?" You asked back.

Leo rolled his eyes, "Enough Raph. We gotta go save that girl."

Raph got up and lifted you up.

"See ya sis." He said.

"Bye Raphie!" You smiled, waving.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" He yelled going with the guys.

All you did was laugh. Raphie.

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